Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Diabetes

It is estimated that 1 out of every 3 individuals are pre-diabetic and 9 out of 10 individuals with pre-diabetes are unaware that they are pre-diabetic. Knowing the causes, symptoms and risks of being pre-diabetic can help us in preventing ourselves from being diagnosed with diabetes.

What is pre-diabetes?

A person is said to be pre-diabetic when the blood sugar levels are above normal but not high enough to be diabetic.


Let us look at the range that indicates normal, pre-diabetic and diabetic blood glucose levels.

Sugar level Fasting plasma glucose 2 Hour plasma glucose post glucose consumption (oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT)
DIABETES >/= 126 mg/dL >/=200 mg/dL
PRE-DIABETES 110 – 125 mg/dL 140 – 199 mg/ dL
NORMAL < 110 mg/dL < 140 mg/dL

What causes pre-diabetes?

Pre-diabetes is caused either due to the inefficiency of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin or due to the inability of the body to utilise the insulin secreted by the pancreas leading to high glucose levels in the blood.

Another major cause is being obese and having a sedentary lifestyle with little to no physical activity.

Risk factors causing pre-diabetes

1.       Being overweight or obese

2.       People with a family history of diabetes

3.       Leading an inactive lifestyle

4.       Having high cholesterol or blood pressure may be a precursor for diabetes

5.       If suffering from gestational diabetes (during pregnancy)

6.       Having suffered a stroke

7.       Having a hormonal disorder like PCOS

What are the signs or symptoms of having pre-diabetes?

In many cases, pre-diabetes go unnoticed because no symptoms are observed but people who are at high risk for diabetes or are pre-diabetic may show these symptoms-

    • Sudden fluctuations in weight

    • Tiredness

    • Increased wound – healing time

Prediabetes v/s Diabetes 

Category Prediabetes Diabetes
Meaning It is a stage between having healthy or normal blood glucose levels and having diabetes. A disease which is characterised by constant high blood glucose levels due to the inability of the body to naturally regulate its own glucose levels in the blood.
Types A person is said to be prediabetic if the blood sugar levels are higher than normal in the fasting stage or suffer from impaired glucose tolerance. A person is said to have either type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes.
Indicative level of blood glucose A fasting blood glucose level of 110 – 125 mg/dLOr140 – 199 mg/ dL of blood glucose level post 2 hours of glucose ingestion. A fasting blood glucose level of >/= 126 mg/dLOr>/=200 mg/dL of blood glucose level post 2 hours of glucose ingestion.
Symptoms Mostly asymptomaticPossible symptoms may include:Sudden fluctuations in weightTirednessIncreased wound–healing time Frequent urinationIncreased appetiteWeight lossFatigueIncreased wound–healing timeIncreased susceptibility to other diseases
Treatment Managing weight and adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help in preventing diabetes and maintain normal blood glucose levels. External Insulin administrationMedications to regulate blood glucose levelsMaintaining a healthy lifestyle for managing the disease

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention called prediabetes “your chance to prevent type 2 diabetes.”

Since prediabetes is asymptomatic, getting a regular health check-up becomes crucial in identifying and preventing the disease.

What to do if you are diagnosed with prediabetes?

If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, look at it as a warning sign to take control of your health and protect yourself from getting diagnosed with diabetes.

Final Thoughts

Getting diagnosed with Pre-diabetes is a warning that you should start balancing your food intake and change your lifestyle. It is a stage where the actual onset of diabetes can be prevented. 

If you see your glucose levels elevated, visit a diabetic specialist. Or, get in touch with our diabetes reversal clinic. We will bring your glucose levels to a normal range in a completely natural way.
