Author: DRCadmin

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Can Ayurveda Treat Diabetes Without CGM or Medications?

Can Ayurveda Treat Diabetes Without CGM or Medications? Introduction Modern diabetes management often relies on Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) and pharmaceutical medications (DeFronzo, 2009), but these approaches only help monitor and control blood sugar levels rather than treating the root cause. Ayurveda, however, provides a holistic and natural solution that focuses on insulin sensitivity, beta-cell

Long-Term Side Effects of Diabetes Medications: Why Ayurveda Offers a Safer Alternative

Long-Term Side Effects of Diabetes Medications: Why Ayurveda Offers a Safer Alternative Introduction Diabetes medications are often prescribed for long-term blood sugar management, but prolonged use of these drugs can lead to serious side effects. While they may temporarily control blood sugar levels, they do not address the root cause of diabetes, and their long-term

Why Allopathy Medications Cause More Harm Than Good for Diabetes

Why Allopathy Medications Cause More Harm Than Good for Diabetes Introduction Allopathy medications are widely prescribed to control diabetes, but they do not heal the root cause of the disease. Instead, they suppress symptoms, forcing the body to rely on lifelong medication while often worsening insulin resistance and causing other health complications (DeFronzo, 2009; Patwardhan,

The Impact of Air Pollution on Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

The Impact of Air Pollution on Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Introduction Air pollution is an unrecognized but serious risk factor for the increasing prevalence of diabetes and insulin resistance worldwide (Brook et al., 2010). While diet, physical inactivity, and genetic predisposition are commonly discussed causes of Type 2 diabetes, emerging research shows that exposure to

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