According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) 2021 review of the epidemiology of type 2 diabetes in India, there are at least 77 million people with diabetes in India, and an equal number are expected to have prediabetes. About 25 percent of people with pre-diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 3 to 5 years, according to the 2019 NCBI review, Global Epidemiology of Pre-diabetes—Current and Future Perspectives.
For the uninitiated, prediabetes or borderline diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar is high, but not as high as diabetes. Therefore, experts emphasize the need to reduce the burden of pre-diabetes in order to mitigate this metabolic disease, which is also detected in teenagers and twenty-somethings thanks to preventive examinations, especially in the post-coronavirus world experts note.
A normal fasting blood sugar level is 99 mg/dL or less. Pre-diabetes is when the blood sugar is between 100 and 125 mg/dL, but above 126. mg/dL indicates diabetes.
What are the causes?
The main causes of prediabetes in the post-Covid world ranging from a sedentary lifestyle to stress and sleep disorders. Indians thrive in the midst of many high-risk pre-diabetic conditions. Family history should not be a necessary reason. Many young patients today have high sugar levels (over 300). Everyone should understand what exactly prediabetes is and check their sugar levels regularly. There is no age limit for pre-diabetes. Previously, cholesterol and sugar levels of patients over the age of 30 were checked annually. Recently, young adults above the age of 20 should also check their sugar levels.
List of main causes of prediabetes are;
Sedentary lifestyle: The main concern is working at home, sitting 10-12 hours a day without physical activity or with limited activity.
Eating habits: Irregular eating times and habits, such as high-calorie late-night meals. Such habits increase sugar levels and weight.
Work stress: long working hours without breaks
Sleep rhythm: change in sleep rhythm or insomnia.
Food quantity and quality: Regular consumption of high-calorie, processed and packaged foods inevitably leads to an increase in the body’s sugar concentration.
People with prediabetes may or may not have symptoms. These can include increased thirst, increased urination, weight or loss, headache, dizziness, sweating, blurred vision and fatigue.
How is it detected?
Prediabetes can be detected by testing HbA1C levels, which measure blood sugar between 5.7 and 6. Percent over the past three months. A normal A1C level is less than 5.7 percent; a level of 5.7 to 6. Percent indicates prediabetes; and a level of 6.5 percent or more indicates diabetes
Blood Glucose Tests in India
A1C test: Also called HbA1C test. This quick blood test allows you to estimate your average blood sugar levels over the last two to three months.
Fasting blood sugar test: This test, as the name suggests, evaluates the blood sugar after an overnight fast (no food for at least 8-10 hours). Fasting blood sugar – less than 100 is normal, 100-125 mg/dL indicates prediabetes, and 126 mg/dL or more indicates diabetes.
Glucose tolerance test: The glucose tolerance test (GTT) assesses the body’s ability to tolerate blood sugar (glucose). This means comparing blood sugar before and after consuming sugar (75 grams) as a satiety dose.
Random Blood Glucose: This is similar to the fasting blood glucose test except that it can be done randomly at any time.
Why should it be detected early?
Experts emphasize that early detection can reverse pre-diabetes and prevent long-term complications of diabetes, which can cause things like heart attack, stroke, eye problems and kidney damage. A few years before the onset of diabetes in pre-diabetic patients may be the best time to intervene so that we can prevent future diabetes and the secondary complications of uncontrolled diabetes such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, leg amputations, blindness, etc. .In the age of Covid, this precaution has become more urgent and important than ever before…because we know that people with diabetes, hypertension, obesity and non-communicable diseases require hospitalization and intensive care units. They are the least likely to survive viral respiratory diseases.
Contrary to its name, prediabetes can progress more quickly if not effectively treated, warned registered dietitian Garima Goyal. Early lifestyle and diet can make the progression of the disease more manageable and reduce complications.
Treatment and lifestyle interventions
Prediabetes has every chance of developing into diabetes. But with the right intervention, you can mitigate and in some cases even reverse the complications.
first sharing the following measures to stop prediabetes:
Weight loss: According to studies, about seven percent (of the whole body) is lost, body weight improved overall diabetes control. You can achieve better results if you focus on both diet and exercise to promote weight loss.
Nutritious diet: a healthy and whole some diet rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals helps maintain insulin sensitivity. Eating more nutrient dense foods can help you reach your diabetes recovery goals.
In practice: Prediabetics become “stair people”. Start with different physical activities from the first day and progress to daily workouts. Exercise helps cells use glucose efficiently and also improves insulin sensitivity.
Stress management: Although stress is not the only contributing factor, it can contribute to the progression of diabetes. It is helpful to deal with stress effectively using some management techniques.
Regular sleep cycle: Every person should get 6-7 hours of continuous sleep per day and give their body enough rest and time to function well.
Addictions (alcohol, smoking, drugs) play an important role in the development of prediabetes and diabetes and should be avoided.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Pre-diabetes: Ayurvedic treatment assists in determining the root cause of diabetes, reversing it, and providing you with medication-free treatment.
Following tips that can help prevent diabetes
Diet: Following a strict diet is essential. Foods rich in carbohydrates should be avoided. People should eat home cooked food and avoid prepared food. Although one cannot stop eating junk food, they have to reduce their intake or they can eat it once or twice a month.
Physical activity: According to the guidelines, 150 min of physical activity per week is necessary for everyone to prevent prediabetes. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity (walking, jogging, exercising, swimming, etc.).
Regular sleep cycle: Everyone should get 6-7 hours of continuous sleep per night and give their body enough rest and time to function well.
If you want a proper assistance in maintaining a proper lifestyle and reverse the effects of pre-diabetes, connect with us at – +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic.