Ayurveda for Diabetes along with Food Tips


When we ingest sugary foods, our bodies are able to properly metabolize them. Sugar is naturally excreted from the body. Diabetes is a condition in which there is an excess of sugar in the blood. It happens as a result of the body’s inability to break down sugar. Blood sugar levels that are too high might be dangerous. It can result in significant complications such as blindness, renal failure, and stroke. Increased blood sugar levels might be the first sign of diabetes.

When blood sugar levels begin to rise, therapy is required to prevent diabetes. Diabetes has grown more frequent as a result of individual’s consumption of more junk food and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Even youngsters are becoming victims of this way of life. Ayurveda takes a comprehensive approach to diabetes. Ayurvedic diabetic treatment, along with dietary and lifestyle adjustments, can help reduce blood sugar levels and manage diabetes.

Diabetes is known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda (literally meaning sweet urine). Prameha refers to diseases that are caused by high blood sugar levels. Vata Prameha is the name given to diabetes mellitus. It is brought on by a Vata Dosha imbalance (one of the three functional energies in the body). Due to a Kapha Dosha imbalance, diabetes insipidus is referred to as Kapha Prameha.

Avarana and Dhatukshaya are types of Diabetes. Avarana is caused by a blockage in the channels’ pathways in the body. A blockage might be the result of accumulated Kapha, and adult-onset diabetes is caused by this. Dhatukshaya refers to the body’s tissues becoming depleted. Juvenile diabetes is caused by this.

The causes of diabetes, according to Ayurveda, are:

·         Inactivity

·         Excessive sleep, which includes sleeping throughout the day, is harmful to one’s health.

·         Excessive sugar consumption

·         Use of curds excessively

·         Consumption of excessively Kapha-stimulating foods

·         Meat soup is consumed.

Digestion is seen as a critical process in Ayurveda. The digestive fire, known as Agni, must be in good functioning order in order for the digestive system to function properly. When this digestive fire is diminished (due to Dosha imbalance or other factors), it can lead to a variety of issues. It produces an accumulation of toxins in the body, which might disrupt its regular functioning. It also lowers immunity, making the body less capable of combating infections and illnesses.

According to Ayurveda, diabetes can be cured by change in lifestyle and diet. As it’s said that “We are what we eat”, it can be said that, by maintaining a proper diet will help with diabetes reversal. Here are some recommendations by Ayurveda regarding diet in diabetes.

Our eating habits should be in line with our physical makeup. When a person develops diabetes, their Kapha or Vata Dosha is aggravated. The diet should assist to balance the Dosha that has been exacerbated. When establishing a diet, it’s also important to consider the weather.

To assist the treatment of Diabetes type 2, a diet to balance Kapha would include:

1.      Consuming light, dry, and warm foods while avoiding greasy, cold, and heavy foods.

2.      Milk products exacerbate the Kapha Dosha, thus they should be avoided or limited. Milk products with a low fat content can be eaten. In moderation, ghee can be utilised to assist enhance the digestive fire.

3.      More beans and legumes are needed in the Kapha diet. Moong beans, in particular, are extremely beneficial to diabetics.

4.      Apples, pomegranates, and berries are examples of light fruits that can be consumed.

5.      Rice and wheat are both dense and tough to digest. Millet and maize are light grains that may be consumed.

6.      Spices are beneficial to the Kapha Dosha and should be utilised when cooking. Incorporate pepper, mustard, garlic, and ginger into your diet. Ginger tea can help with digestion. Salt, on the other hand, should be avoided or consumed in moderation.

7.      Meats should be avoided according to Ayurveda, since they might cause irritation.

8.      Blood sugar regulation with diet necessitates the consumption of warm foods. Warm water should be consumed by patients.

9.      Bitter foods aid in the management of diabetes. Bitter gourd is a nutritious vegetable that should be consumed regularly. Turmeric is another key spice to be incorporated into one’s diet.

10.  Fries, tuber vegetables, soft beverages, and fruits such as mango, custard apple, dates, and banana should all be avoided. It’s best to stay away from cakes, sugarcane goods, and wine.

11.   Brown rice can be considered for consumption as it has a lower glycemic index than white rice.

Summing up we can say that, consumption of

a.      High fiber foods like vegetables, fruits, grains (barley, oat, whole wheat)

b.      Grains: barley, Kodrava, Bajara

c.       Pulses: Chanaka, Adhaki, Mugda, Kulattha

d.      Vegetables: Methika, Patola, Karvellaka, Tanduleyaka, Vastukam, Shobhanjana, Rasona, Kadali

e.      Fruits: Jambu, Amla, Kapittha, Dadima

f.        Seeds: Methi, Kamala, Utpala

g.      Others: Madhu, Madhydaka, Alasi, Sarshapa, Dhani, Murmura, Maricha, Saindhava namak, Hingu, Haridra, Adraka

are some of the recommendations by Ayurveda in maintaining and reversing diabetes.

Want better assistance according to your body type? Want to reverse diabetes?

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