A deep dive into the concepts of Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal

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This is a well publicised question, and every diabetic patient wants to know the answer.  And, to be honest, answering “Yes” or “No” is difficult. Although there is no cure for diabetes, research indicates that the illness can be reversed in certain individuals. By making dietary changes and decreasing weight, you may be able to reach and maintain normal blood sugar levels without the use of medication.


1. Type 1 diabetes is irreversible since the body is unable to produce insulin.

2. Pancreatic diabetes is another type of irreversible diabetes that happens when the pancreas is destroyed as a result of alcohol consumption or a genetic abnormality.

LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood) is a third type of diabetes that falls within this category. It is similar to type 1 diabetes, but its progression is slower.

4. Genetic diabetes is another type of diabetes that cannot be cured.

5. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body generates insulin but the cells do not use it as well as they should. Insulin resistance describes the status of persons with type 2 diabetes. When a person is obese, insulin resistant, or has age-related diabetes, type 2 diabetes is reversible.

The majority of people are now sceptical of Ayurvedic diabetic treatment, and they commonly wonder, “Can diabetes be completely healed by Ayurveda?”

This topic arises as a result of rapid breakthroughs in science and technology, as well as their contribution to human pleasure and immediate fulfilment. Many people are unaware that Ayurveda is a thorough therapeutic system that, while it does not always yield immediate benefits, does provide great treatment and long-term results for persons with uncontrolled diabetes (even when using insulin and pills on a regular basis). Another common reason people seek Ayurvedic treatment is insulin resistance.

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world, and controlling it can be difficult, but not impossible, according to the World Health Organisation. Ayurvedic diabetic treatments, together with a few lifestyle changes, can help you maintain and manage blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, Ayurveda offers various simple home therapies that everyone may create; for example, Ayurveda recommends that you limit your sugar and simple carbohydrate intake to keep your diabetes under control.

To control blood sugar levels, Ayurveda recommends a combination of Kutki, Punarnava, Guduchi, and Shardunika. Half a teaspoon taken twice a day with lukewarm water is recommended. Other ideas include:

1. At night, fill a copper pot with one cup of water (along with an Ayurvedic blend) and consume it in the morning.

2. To reduce the Kapha induced by diabetes, you must follow a pacifying diet that excludes processed foods, added sugar, simple carbs, and full-fat dairy products. Consume more bitter fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs instead.

3. Another way to keep your blood sugar in balance is to drink warm turmeric water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. The next step is to drink warm turmeric water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to help stabilise blood sugar levels.

5. Ginger tea is the best technique to regulate blood glucose levels since it aids in sugar stabilisation by reducing excess Kapha in the body.

Diving deep into Ayurveda & its understanding of Diabetes Reversal

It is necessary to delve deeper, understand and treat diseases, and understand what Ayurveda means by health. We define health as the body, mind, and spirit being in tune with one another and with their surroundings. When a person is disease-free and content with his or her work, the three bio-energies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are in balance, the digestive fire is strong, all tissues, organs, and systems are functioning properly, excretion is painless, and people feel good about themselves and the world around them on a psychological level.

Many processes have already been disrupted before someone becomes unwell. The onset of illness is marked by four fundamental processes:

a) Dosha Utpdaka – dosha imbalance.

b) Agnimandya – Decreased digestive fire

Toxins and undigested products are present in ama preparation.

b) The prognosis for Samprpti’s current ailment.

Diabetes mellitus can have a number of long-term effects, including renal failure, paralysis, and gangrene formation. This is why Ayurveda not only heals hyperglycemia, but also the entire individual – physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Because this illness affects all of these tissues and layers, the Ayurvedic anatomy of coarse-material tissues and fine-material layers is incorporated into the therapy. Ayurveda distinguishes seven bodily tissues: blood, plasma, muscles, bones, marrow, ligaments, and reproductive tissues. Our physical body, also known as the food layer, is made up of seven bodily components.

1 .Annamaya Kosha is the first food layer: When treating the physical body, we examine dietary adjustments and herbal prescriptions. The precise adjustment is determined by the degree of disturbance of the relevant Dosha. That is to say, as a result, each person is distinct.

2. Pranamaya. Kosha is the energy layer, and it incorporates particular sets of breathing exercises to ensure that new oxygen is given throughout the body. Every cell in the body requires oxygen, thus its efficient supply and disposal is critical. Toxins are expelled from the cellular level at this point, and the body is cleansed.

3. Manomaya Kosha is the mental layer: The goal of this layer is to adjust thinking so that stress is viewed correctly.

4. Vijnanamaya Kosha is the intellectual layer: mental health is made positive and long-lasting in this layer by the creation of new thinking patterns.

5. The spiritual layer, Anandamaya Kosha: This final layer is for disease and what you learn from it. The sensation of being unwell. The questions are “how can I best deal with this?” and “what does this sickness represent in my life?” rather than “why does this happen to me?”

This is how Diabetes can be reversed by gaining complete control of the body through a comprehensive approach recommended by Ayurveda.

To get personalised advice on all aspects of diabetes reversal therapy, call +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic and request a call back.


Know more about Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.