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Ayurveda and Diabetes


Ayurveda originated in India and is a traditional medicinal practice with roots tracking back to 1000 BC. Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life”. It connects the processes involving Prakriti (physical), Purusha (spiritual), and Physiologic ones, to promote a healthy relationship between body, mind and soul. The primal goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a balance between Panchamahabhutas i.e. the 5 essential elements that our body is made of, which are – earth, water, fire, air and ether. Ayurveda is based on the theory of three life processes called doshas; which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. According to Ayurveda, maintaining an equilibrium between these doshas corresponds to good health.

According to Ayurveda, Diabetes is a disease of sweet urination, and is developed through excess of thirst and urination. Diabetes is thought to be predominantly a Kapha illness produced by a range of factors such as obesity, excessive sweet food intake, or an increase in the consumption of Kapha affecting foods.

In this situation, inadequate pancreatic function causes an elevation in Kapha in the stomach, and turbidity or frequent urination are the results. Contrary to popular belief, Diabetes Mellitus is caused by the Vata dosha. In this situation, Vata builds up in the large intestine and goes to the pancreas, causing it to malfunction significantly.

Even Pitta can induce diabetes in certain people. When this happens, Pitta builds up in the small intestine before going on to the liver, potentially harming the pancreas. Because Agni, or fire, is so strong in Pitta, a pancreatic burnout is a distinct possibility.

Diabetes is referred to in Ayurveda as Madumeha, which literally translates to “sweet urine.” It refers to a rise in blood sugar levels, which results in an excess of sugar in the urine. ‘Dhatupaka Janya Vikruti’ is described in Ayurvedic scriptures concerning Ayurvedic diabetic therapy. This is the negative impact of elevated blood sugar levels on other physiological tissues. The writings also mention a proclivity for the ailment to be passed on through the generations. Ojas is the essential essence of life, according to Ayurveda, and when it is lost, all body processes lose their potency. In diabetes, Ojas is paved away through urine and hence, diabetes is also known as Ojomeha.

Diabetes is either caused by blockage of channels within the body (Avarana) or due to damage of tissues (Dhatuksyaya). There is a prominent Dosha at each stage of life. Childhood, the initial stage of existence, is influenced by Kapha. Pitta dominates the second stage of life, which begins with puberty. From the age of 50 through death, we are in the third stage. Childhood is a Kapha-dominant time in one’s life. Type 1 diabetes can develop in children who have a Kapha aggravating diet or lifestyle at this age. Ayurvedic treatment for type 1 diabetes focuses on harmonizing the Doshas using a combination of internal and external Ayurvedic treatments as well as lifestyle adjustments. It locates stressors in the body and attempts to alleviate them. Apathyanimittaja is the Ayurvedic term for type 2 diabetes. An inflamed Vata Dosha leads to an aggravated Kapha Dosha. Sedentary behaviors and a sedentary lifestyle exacerbate the problem. Ayurvedic medicine is used to balance the Doshas and lifestyle adjustments are made to help control type 2 diabetes.

Ayurveda suggests reversing Diabetes from its root cause and in a holistic way. Diabetes is no longer just an illness; it has evolved into a way of life that includes daily medication and health issues. However, by eating foods that rapidly drop blood sugar and using Ayurvedic diabetes reversal techniques, you can reverse the negative effects of this lifestyle disease.

Some of the natural ways to reverse diabetes are:

  1. Maintaining healthy diet
  2. Having a proper meal schedule
  3. Keeping body hydrated
  4. Managing stress levels
  5. Having proper sleep
  6. Exercising and keeping body in movement

Besides these, there are some treatments that boost in reversing Diabetes from root by clearing blocked channels and rejuvenation of damaged tissues. The treatments can be noted as following:

1.       Udwartana is a powder massage that may be done on a regular basis for weight loss and obesity therapy.

2.       Obesity, inflammation, muscle soreness, neuropathy, hemiplegia, and rheumatic problems are all treated with Dhanyamla dhara in Ayurveda. It comes from the words dhanya (cereals) and vinegar (vinaigrette) (amla). Navara rice, horse gramme, millet, citrus fruits, and dried ginger are used to make Dhanyamla. The body is wrapped with this preparation and then a warm cloth throughout the therapy. The therapy lasts between 45 and 50 minutes, depending on the patient’s health.

3.       Snehapana is a method of lubricating the entire body inside and externally by consuming ghee and animal fat oil and rubbing the oil on without any additional oral intake.

4.       Warm oil massage is known as abhyanga. Herbs are frequently added to the oil to treat certain ailments.

5.       Bashpasweda is a steam chamber where the patient sits while steam is produced by a boiling herbal concoction.

6.       The goal of vamana (induced vomiting) is to eliminate excess kapha dosha from the body.

7.       Virechana is the second process in the Panchakarma (Ayurvedic Detoxification Program) sequence, and it entails the use of plant medicines with a laxative action, with the goal of lowering pitta dosha and toxic buildup in the gastrointestinal system, liver, and gallbladder.

8.       Yogavasti is a sort of enema-based treatment that helps to reduce excess vata dosha in the body. The removal and retention of feces, urine, bile, and other excreta are controlled by Vata.

9.       Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment that includes gently pouring liquids over the forehead and is one of the Panchakarma procedures.

To get proper treatment from an expert, connect with Dr. Soumya Hullannavar. She has expertise in reversing Diabetes in a holistic way from the past 12 years. To get in touch, connect with us at +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic