Bowl of Health

You may have read about or asked your nutritionist about the proper diet for weight loss or muscle gain. And you are advised to eat more frequently, perhaps ‘five to six meals per day,’ as opposed to eating large meals. Compared to the traditional ‘three squares’ approach to eating, micro-meals throughout the day are more popular among dieters seeking to lose weight. It is suggested that eating more frequently can help you burn calories and control food cravings. We have always believed that eating multiple times a day will keep your metabolism fueled. However, this theory is contested, and more recent research indicates that it does not slow your metabolism if you do not consume multiple meals per day.

Small meals may provide benefits by reducing subsequent hunger and food intake. According to research, people who consumed small, healthy meals frequently consumed fewer calories and had a lower body mass index than those who consumed fewer than four meals per day. An increase in meal frequency improves cholesterol and insulin levels. Despite the belief that eating frequently burns more calories and the energy required for digestion, it does not appear that absorbing nutrients from food significantly increases metabolism or the total number of calories burned.

Do you believe you should abandon your diet consisting of mini-meals every few hours? I’d say no, not really. The optimal timing of meals may depend on factors that are specific to each individual. Some are grazers, while others are carnivores. It may be difficult for new mothers to consume three meals per day. They must care for their children, and with children, it is impossible to sit down for a full meal. Therefore, they can adopt the practise of eating small meals frequently. The way you eat can be affected by your health. If you have diabetes or low blood sugar, a long time between meals can make you feel exhausted and weak.

It is believed that eating frequently may be problematic for those with portion control issues, when the sight of a specific food tempts you to consume it, which can lead to weight gain. The greatest potential benefit of eating frequently is that it helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Frequent meals are associated with blood sugar fluctuations, and large portions contribute to weight gain and blood sugar issues. To keep your mini-meals in line with your calorie needs, divide your total calorie intake evenly and include mini-meals with a balance of protein, healthy fats from whole ingredients such as nuts, fruits, and chickpeas, etc. Thus, you can satisfy your hunger with the optimal amount of nourishing snacks. Eat only when you’re hungry, and consume mini-meals to satisfy your hunger without feeling overly full. You can wait some time and reevaluate your body’s signals before acting if you are still hungry.