Diet For Diabetes

As what you eat gets metabolized, having less or under a diet helps to maintain proper metabolism in the body, which directly brings blood glucose levels in control

Why Can’t Diabetes be Detected on Basis of Symptoms

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a diseased condition in which the bodies’ sugar level is elevated due to improper functioning of Pancreas (an organ besides stomach) which produces a hormone called insulin that regulates blood...

Ayurveda Makes Diabetes Reversal Possible 

According to Ayurveda, diabetes is a disease of profuse urination. Diabetes mellitus may be treated with Ayurvedic medicine, which helps in reversing diabetes.

Kashaya Dhara in Diabetes Reversal

Kashaya dhara is an Ayurvedic therapy known for its powerful therapeutic effects on the body & mind. The procedure involves pouring an herbal decoction onto the patient's forehead.

Udvartana – A Treatment for Diabetes

Udvartana helps people to lose weight, keep their tissues healthy, & keep their skin healthy. It aids in the reduction of kapha dosha & medo dhatu, which are raised in diabetes

Diabetes Reversal: A Myth or Fact

The question of whether diabetes reversal is a myth or a fact is one that every diabetic patient wants to know the answer to. So, diabetes can be reversed.

Ayurveda for Diabetes along with Food Tips

Ayurvedic diabetic treatment, along with dietary and lifestyle adjustments, can help reduce blood sugar levels, maintain health, and reverse diabetes.

A Modern and Ayurvedic View on Genes and Diabetes

Diabetes is correlated with prakruti, as is the genetic makeup of the individual, so we can conclude that diabetes and genetics are also linked.

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