Diabetes and Hair Loss: Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Unavoidable aspect of the hair growth cycle is hair loss. When the hair reaches the conclusion of its growth cycle, it will fall out. Typically, a replacement hair develops from the same hair follicle. On occasion, however, new hair may not grow. This hair loss may be evident if large areas of the scalp do not produce new hairs.

Due to their influence on hair growth, stress, hormones, elevated blood sugar levels, and underlying health conditions such as diabetes can all cause hair loss. 

Could Hair Loss Indicate Diabetes? Diabetes may cause hair loss. How Can Diabetes Lead to Hair Loss?

On average, hair passes through three phases. During the main development phase, which lasts at least two years, hairs develop at a rate of 1 to 2 centimetres per month. The hair then enters a period of approximately 100 days of dormancy. Following this phase, a portion of the dormant hair falls out.

Diabetes can cause hair loss because it inhibits hair growth, resulting in slower hair growth. Hair loss is not restricted to the scalp. The limbs, thighs, and other areas of the body can lose hair. When hair grows back, it grows slightly more slowly than normal.

Alopecia areata is a condition that is more prevalent in individuals with diabetes. In alopecia, the immune response destroys the hair follicles, resulting in regions of hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Is Hair Loss a Symptom or Sign of Diabetes? Does diabetes lead to hair loss?

Diabetes has as a secondary effect hair loss. Stress, such as coping with a chronic illness or taking diabetes medications, can also cause hair loss. Common among diabetics, thyroid disorders can cause hair loss.

Uncontrolled or untreated Diabetes can result in dangerously elevated blood sugar levels. Consistently elevated blood sugar levels can cause damage to the body’s tissues, organs, and blood vessels.

Blood vessel impairment can reduce blood flow, resulting in inadequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells. This deficiency can disrupt the normal growth cycle of hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Diabetes Symptoms Hair Loss

Diabetes can cause significant physical and mental stress on the body, and hair loss is a common symptom. 

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) occurs when sugar remains in the circulation and is unable to be absorbed into the cells for energy. This may result from a lack of insulin, insulin sensitivity, or a combination of the two. Over time, microvascular and macrovascular vessel damage accumulates.

For instance, hair follicles below the knees can be harmed if blood vessels in the legs are ruptured, disrupting the supply of oxygen and nutrients and thereby influencing the hair development cycle.

This may be an indicator of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD is characterised by intermittent claudication, slow-healing lesions, and numbness or tingling in the legs and feet.

Overall, hair loss can be considered one of the diabetes symptoms.

Hormonal fluctuations can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, which can affect hair growth and maintenance. When cortisol (the stress hormone) levels rise, cells become resistant to insulin. Instead of being removed from the circulation, sugar remains in the blood.

Diabetes and Hair Loss: How to Treat Diabetes-Related Hair Loss Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss? 

In some situations, hair loss can be reversed. There are numerous available therapies, some of which differ for males and females. Even though diabetes and hair loss treatments are beneficial, the majority of them are temporary solutions that only last as long as the patient continues to use them.

In some cases, diabetes-related hair loss can be delayed or stopped. Maintaining tight control of blood sugar and minimising tension are the most effective means of achieving this goal.

Blood sugar levels can be regulated by:

  • Monitoring their blood sugar levels frequently
  • Taking all medications as prescribed by their physician Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Regularly exercising

The following strategies can assist an individual in reducing and managing stress:

Enlisting the aid of family and friends obtaining cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and practising mindfulness

Utilising relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Diabetes and Treatment for Hair Loss

Alternative treatments for hair loss include topical medications, biotin, and changes in lifestyle. 

However, the majority of these treatments rarely produce lasting results.

The first measures

If Diabetes is the cause of your hair loss, you will need to alter your diet, lifestyle, or medication to better manage your blood glucose levels. After your Diabetes is under control, you should notice a reduction in hair loss. You will lose fewer hairs and regrow more that have come out.

How Do You Prevent Diabetes-Related Hair Loss?

Maintaining Blood Sugar Control:

How Does Diabetes Impact Your Hair?

If you have Diabetes and have experienced high blood sugar levels, bringing them down to normal can help you halt hair loss and even stimulate new hair growth.

Since elevated blood sugar is associated with vascular disruption, circulation issues, and hormonal abnormalities, maintaining a healthy blood sugar level can aid in maintaining a regular hair cycle.

Your normal blood sugar range is determined by your age, the frequency of your hypoglycemia episodes, the duration of your Diabetes, and your life expectancy.

After at least eight hours of fasting, the blood sugar level should be between 80 and 130 mg/dL and less than 180 mg/dL two hours after a meal.

If your blood sugar levels are normal and you’re meeting the goals you and your doctor have established, but you’re still losing hair, consult your doctor. There is a possibility that your hair loss is caused by a medical or nutritional condition.

Diet, supplements, and physical activity: Does diabetes affect hair growth?

Diabetics and those with nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin D or iron deficiency, may benefit from supplementing or modifying their diets to include nutrient-dense foods to prevent hair loss. It is crucial to realise that excessive supplementation is not the solution.

In fact, taking excessive amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, particularly if there is no deficiency, could be harmful. For example, excessive vitamin A and E consumption has been linked to hair loss. Since these vitamins are fat-soluble, excessive consumption can be harmful. 

It is advisable to commence with food to determine whether it affects your hair. If dietary modifications are ineffective, you may wish to undergo testing for nutritional deficiencies.

For nutrient deficiencies, supplementation may be necessary; however, a specialist should always seek supplementation advice, as supplements are not monitored and excessive amounts of some vitamins can be harmful.

For healthy hair, iron, zinc, biotin, niacin, fatty acids, selenium, vitamin D, and amino acids are all necessary vitamins and minerals.

A well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, essential lipids, and a variety of protein sources may satisfy daily mineral and vitamin requirements. In cases of genuine deficiency, supplementation under the supervision of a healthcare professional may be necessary.


Iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss through unknown mechanisms of action. People with severe iron deficiencies should consult a physician about taking iron supplements. Vegans may require nutritional counselling in order to maximise iron absorption and consumption and prevent deficiency. Iron-rich foods include animal proteins, shellfish, legumes, almonds, peanuts, leafy greens such as spinach, and whole grains. If you have diabetes and are experiencing hair loss, iron deficiency is also a possibility.


Although micronutrient deficiency is uncommon, in extreme instances it can cause hair loss. According to a number of studies, the hair loss of zinc-deficient individuals may be reversible if they receive treatment. Zinc deficiency can be caused by a number of factors, including malabsorption issues, inherited abnormalities, and the use of specific medications.

Zinc is naturally abundant in red meat, poultry, crustaceans such as oysters, crabs, and lobsters, whole grains, milk products, and fortified cereals.

Plant-based diets do not absorb zinc as efficiently as animal products. People who consume a vegan or vegetarian diet may need to have their zinc levels tested. You should not take zinc supplements without a doctor’s approval. A zinc excess may result in a copper deficiency.

The Fatty AcidsEssential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) must be ingested in the diet because the body cannot produce them. A deficiency may result in hair loss on the cranium and eyebrows. It is essential to consume enough fat because a diet high in fatty acids has been associated with increased hair growth. 


Despite the lack of scientific evidence, numerous companies offer selenium supplements for hair growth. Selenium is plentiful in the majority of diets, and deficiency is uncommon. Because selenium poisoning is possible, it is recommended to consume selenium-rich foods instead of taking supplements.

The selenium content of food depends on the soil in which it was grown. You can meet your daily selenium requirements with just one Brazil nut. Fish, meat, poultry, cereals, legumes, and dairy products are all excellent selenium sources.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient.

Alopecia areata sufferers have insufficient vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is primarily produced by exposure to sunlight.

During the colder months, it can be more challenging to obtain enough vitamin D. Due to the scarcity of vitamin D-containing substances, supplementation may be required in cases of inadequate blood levels.

Vitamin D is abundant in salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, fish liver oils, fortified milk and milk alternatives, egg yolks, fortified cereals, and orange juice. 


A deficiency or absence of biotin is associated with hair loss, brittle nails, and parched skin. Deficiency is uncommon, but it has been linked to enzyme deficiency, antibiotic overuse, consuming too many raw egg whites, excessive alcohol consumption, and antiepileptic drugs.

Using biotin or products containing biotin to treat hair loss may seem plausible. While biotin supplementation has been shown to be effective in treating brittle nails, there is insufficient evidence to support its use in the absence of a biotin deficiency to prevent hair loss. 

If you do not have a deficiency, you should be able to get enough from your diet. Spinach, oats, egg yolks, and wheat germ all contain a high concentration of biotin.

Biotin’s health advantages

Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of protein. Protein is essential for hair growth and stamina. Because hair follicles are predominantly composed of protein, it makes sense that a protein deficiency could result in hair loss.

Diabetes patients who have been instructed to consume a very low-calorie diet may not consume enough protein. Vital nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein, can be depleted by inadequate caloric intake. Consequently, hair loss is possible.

It is essential to consume sufficient protein on a regular basis. The protein requirement for the ordinary adult is 0.8 grammes per kilogramme of body weight. One kilogramme is 2.2 pounds, so if you weigh 170 pounds, you will need approximately 62 grammes of protein.


How To Treat Diabetes-Related Hair Loss With Ayurveda

One of the many health benefits of exercise is increased insulin sensitivity, which can aid in blood sugar control and promote healthy hair. Patients with diabetes, particularly those taking glucose-lowering medications such as insulin, should routinely monitor their blood sugar to prevent hypoglycemia.

Because we shed, it is natural to discover hair in your brush. However, if an individual begins to lose an abnormal quantity of hair, this should be cause for concern. Typically, hair loss has no effect on one’s appearance because the remaining hair on the scalp compensates for the daily loss. However, hair loss caused by Diabetes is cause for concern, which is why Sugar Knocker, a brand that offers a holistic approach to eradicating Diabetes in a person’s body, is providing a free diabetic controllability test to help you better manage blood sugar levels.