Hormonal Imbalance and Diabetes

Hormonal Imbalance and Diabetes

What are hormones?

Hormones are the chemical messengers which are secreted into the bloodstream and are carried into organs to execute their functions. Hormones are responsible for mood, energy, appetite, reproductive health and metabolism. Hormones control everything within the body from sleep to gain or losing weight, getting pregnant, and even impact serious health conditions like diabetes.                                                      

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose, often known as blood sugar, is abnormally high. Your main source of energy is blood glucose, which comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, aids glucose absorption into cells for use as energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t produce enough — or any — insulin, or it doesn’t use it properly. Glucose remains in your circulation and does not reach your cells as a result.

How are hormonal imbalances related with diabetes?

There is a two-way connection between diabetes and hormonal imbalances:

·         A hormonal imbalance causes diabetes to develop. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is taken by fat, muscle, and liver cells and utilized as energy. Insulin also helps your body’s metabolic activities. Insulin resistance occurs in people with type 2 diabetes. In order to lower increased blood glucose levels, your pancreas works harder to generate more insulin, but it can’t keep up. The outcome is uncontrolled elevated blood sugar.

·         The other way round is, diabetes causes hormonal imbalances. To understand this, let’s consider a simple example. If we consider a middle aged women, her menopausal changes influence blood sugar levels and post-menopausal women may experience more fluctuations in blood sugar levels when they have diabetes.

  • Weight increase associated with menopause may necessitate a change in diabetes medication, and decreasing hormone levels can disrupt sleep, making it more difficult to control blood sugar levels.
  • Diabetes is linked to damage to the cells in the vaginal lining, therefore women with diabetes may suffer greater sexual dysfunction than usual.
  • Further, Insulin levels beyond a certain threshold might signal the ovaries to produce more testosterone. This might result in facial hair growth and acne.
  • High insulin levels diminish sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which releases oestrogen into your system and contributes to oestrogen excess symptoms including aching breasts, fibroids, and heavy menses.
  • Lowering insulin levels and correcting insulin resistance can go a long way toward reducing inflammation and restoring hormone balance in the body.

This is how diabetes and hormonal imbalances are related.

Ayurvedic perspective on diabetes and hormonal imbalances:

There are various glands present in the human body, which secrets hormones essential for growth, development, reproduction and all other functions in the human body.

Ø  Hormones of thyroid gland, helps in regulating metabolism of the body

Ø  Insulin which is released from pancreas, helps in maintaining blood glucose levels

Ø  Estrogen, which is female sex hormone, helps to release ovaries and is responsible for reproduction.

Ø  Progesterone, which is produced while a woman is pregnant, helps in maintaining pregnancy.

Ø  Prolactin, which is released from the pituitary gland after childbirth for lactation.

Ø  Testosterone, a male sex hormone which helps in development of male reproductive tissue.

Ø  Serotonin, which is a mood boosting hormone and regulates mood.

Ø  Cortisol, which is produced by adrenal gland, helps in controlling stress levels.

Ø  Adrenaline, secreted by medulla, helps in quick responses and sends impulses to organs to create specific responses.

Ayurveda is an ancient treatment approach based on wisdom traditions that began in India over 5,000 years ago and focuses on body, mind, and consciousness harmony. The full understanding of Endocrinology in Ayurveda uses a natural and holistic approach to assist prevent and alleviate hormonal issues.

It is based on the ‘Tri-Dosha’ philosophy, which considers an individual’s constitution to be a blend of ‘Vata,’ ‘Pitta,’ and ‘Kapha,’ which are three separate combinations of the universal five elements of wind, space, fire, water, and earth.’ When establishing a tailored treatment programme, a person’s unique blend of these components, as well as the consequences of previous lifestyle and nutritional decisions, are taken into account. However, because Ayurveda is a study of the body, mind, and consciousness, focusing just on physical symptoms and imbalances is insufficient; mind and consciousness play a significant role, particularly in endocrinology. As a result, the Ayurvedic approach is to investigate and provide assistance for the healing of ‘Stuck Emotions,’ which have a direct and profound influence on a person’s entire health. When it comes to hormone abnormalities, Ayurveda goes well beyond the physical level.

Ayurveda simply said that every Vikruti (Imbalance) is dependent on the person’s Aahar (Diet or Food Intake) and Vihara (Village) (person LifeStyle). As a result, the treatment’s core idea is based on an organic and natural diet as well as yoga (Meditation).

Further, Ayurveda understood how the bodily organs and systems – thyroid, pancreas, testes, ovaries, etc. work together to maintain balance. This provides a solution to many health related metabolic problems like PMS, diabetes and thyroid disease by balancing doshas.

The nerve system, Vata, and stress: Because, as you’ve learned, stress runs the show, Vata is likely the most critical dosha to address. The adrenals and hormones are intimately linked to Vata and the neurological system. Vata is aggravated by everyday pressures like technology and an on-the-go lifestyle, which causes the other doshas to shift out of position. The vata response to imbalance is fight-or-flight.

Pitta, chemical reactions, the liver, and the blood: Hormones are Pitta’s functions from a chemical perspective. Pitta is engaged in all chemical processes in the body, including digestive enzymes, molecular catalysts, and hormones, in the same way that fire transforms. Pitta also governs the liver and blood, which are the sites of many of these alterations. Any sour, acidic, or hot item, such as fermented or spicy meals, coffee, alcohol, or smoke, will alter your hormones through the liver.

Mucus, kapha, and heaviness: Nature has constructed Kapha, with the components of soil and water. Mucus, muscle, skin, and fat are all part of its realm. Kapha builds up as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and a heavy diet, delaying digestion and finally obstructing the passage of nutrients and wastes. This heaviness, which is frequently pushed by vata, can cause sluggish thyroid, uterine fibroids, and bloating, among other things.

The above context makes it clear that, all the problems associated with diabetes including weight gain, heaviness, stress, slow metabolism, etc. are the problems associated with doshas. Thus, Ayurveda works on the roots of the problems and cures it.

If you opt to seek guidance and treatment in a holistic way, specifically, diabetes related, contact us at +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic.   

Hormonal Imbalance & Diabetes