How a Busy Mom Naturally Reversed Diabetes. This is Exactly How I Did It.

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Diabetes can be reversed, according to experts, but what does it take? Here’s what one woman who despises exercise and craves food discovered about managing her health and family history.

I made the error of assuming that everything came in multiples of three. There was more bad news around the corner.

When the HbA1C test revealed that I had high blood sugar (9 millimoles per litre, compared to a normal level of 4- 6 mmol/l), my family doctor suspected that I had diabetes.

Additional tests confirmed my type 2 diabetes. I was astounded. I’ve never smoked, I’ve never had a sweet tooth, and I’ve always been a healthy weight (I’m 5 feet 7 inches tall and weigh 56 kg). I also have no diabetes in my family. I also maintain a healthy diet.

My great-grandfather discovered the hard way that neuropathy, a nerve condition that can lead to amputation, affects nearly half of diabetics. Tingling in the limbs is the first sign of neuropathy.

If I did not act, I would be more likely to die young or suffer from impaired vision, renal disease, heart failure, and strokes. Type 2 diabetes is distinguished by the pancreas’ inability to produce enough insulin to sustain normal glucose levels (in type 1, the pancreas completely stops releasing insulin). I’d eventually be taking a range of medicines.

My doctor told me that I could control my diabetes with diet alone and gave me a heap of diabetic nutrition instructional leaflets. I started eating salads, cut back on carbs, and made an effort to get my five a day, but my progress was slow. In seven months, I shed a stone, but my blood sugar remained too high (7 mmol/l).

Furthermore, the medications came in a set daily dosage. However, after two years, I was taking many more medications than I had wanted, with the likelihood that they may plateau in a few years.

In addition to the increased expense of pharmaceuticals, it caused major detrimental effects. Because I was dissatisfied with this, I went online to do some research and discovered some drastic options.

Many of the home remedies I had previously tried were not long-term solutions because my sugar levels were incredibly unpredictable and fluctuating, causing a few medical complications that I was embarrassed about.  I couldn’t figure out which herbal therapies worked best for me.

I spoke with various Ayurveda doctors before deciding on a specific Ayurveda Clinic specialising in diabetes reversal. Several encouraging recommendations helped them make their selection.

After contacting Dr. Soumya at the Diabetes Reversal Clinic and gaining consent from my GP, I decided to pursue the Ayurvedic treatment (experts advise never starting such a radical regimen without first consulting with your doctor).

Ayurveda prescribes different medications for different bodily types or doshas, which are classified as pitta, vata, and kapha, or a combination of doshas. I was given a treatment plan tailored to my body type.

Instead of over-the-counter medications, the treatment plan included freshly prepared herbal remedies, therapy, and a less stringent diet than I had expected.

The reason why home remedies didn’t work for me in the past was because not every herb works for every body type. As a result, it is essential to consult an Ayurvedic or Unani physician who specialises in determining body type and underlying reasons of sickness.

In just three days, my glucose levels dropped from 6 mmol/l to 5.9 mmol/l. Food was always accessible. Dr. Soumya, on the other hand, believes that hunger pangs are an indication that the drug is working and should be appreciated.

To avoid hunger, she suggested toasting oneself with water. After drinking a pint of water, my hunger eased. Weight loss was quick. By day three, I had lost 2 lbs.

The pattern was the same every day. I also attempted a few home remedies after consulting with Dr. Soumya, as well as more soups such as carrot, tomato, and pea, baked vegetables, stir-fried vegetables, boiling vegetables, and casseroles.

Even though I was losing weight, my family was concerned about my overall health. But I started to feel more energetic and involved in my everyday chores.

But I couldn’t ignore the worried comments about my “shrinking” at work. Some of my garments began to fall apart.

When my doctor tested me two months later, I had a healthy, non-diabetic 5.1mmol/l, and I was overjoyed to hear that my diabetes had resolved itself.

My HbA1C was reduced to a healthy, non-diabetic level as a result of my dedication to the diet and, more importantly, the treatment, in which I was delighted to take part. My most recent reading was 4.9 mmol/l, and it has remained consistent for the past year. I began running three times a week, joined a gym, and maintained a weight of just under 9 stone.

I’ve been without diabetes medication for about a year. My doctor did tell me that, given my age, my diabetes may be considered reversed. In other cases, depending on the severity and age, they may be completely cured or in remission.

Doctor Soumya Hullanavar and her team’s study, including my case studies, would be published the following year. Something I’m proud to have contributed to and been a part of.

In the meantime, I’ll keep eating well to avoid having diabetes. I don’t want to go through those unpleasant shaking again – uggh:C.

The author is a former patient at Diabetes Reversal Clinics and EliteAyurveda Clinics 

Medically reviewed by Dr Soumya, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With more than 15 years of experience treating endocrine and diabetic problems,


Know more about Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.