The downfall of modern medicine in treating diabetes

Modern Medicine & Diabetes 

Modern medicine has made significant progress in treating diabetes, but there are also some limitations. Some of the challenges include:

Lack of a cure: Currently, there is no cure for diabetes in allopathic system of medicine, and treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing complications.

Side effects: Many allopathic medications used to treat diabetes can cause side effects, such as low blood sugar, weight gain, and digestive issues.

Dependence on medication: Many diabetes treatments rely on the use of medication, which can have side effects and may not be effective for all individuals.The use of allopathic medications for treating diabetes can result in a dependence on these drugs and limit the patient’s ability to manage the condition through lifestyle changes.

Interactions with other medications: Allopathic medications for diabetes can interact with other drugs that the patient may be taking, leading to adverse effects.

Cost: The cost of diabetes medications and supplies can be prohibitively expensive for some patients, leading to inadequate treatment and management.

Limited access to care: Access to quality diabetes care can be limited in some areas, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Lifestyle changes: Effective diabetes management requires significant lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet primarily to maintain a healthy weight,  which can be difficult for some individuals to implement and maintain.

Ayurvedic perspective on Diabetes & its Reversal

There are twenty forms of Prameha, according to Ayurveda, of which four can arise from vata, six from pitta, and ten from kapha. A form of Prameha known as Madhumeha is distinguished by its sweet urine and association with diabetes.

In Ayurveda, there are primarily two forms of Prameha:

  • Avarana
  • Dhatuksyaya

According to Ayurveda, Avarana develops when channels are blocked. Kapha may be worsened and the source of the obstruction. Adult-onset diabetes results from this. Dhatukshaya, on the other hand, alludes to the body’s tissues becoming depleted. Juvenile diabetes may result from this.

In addition, Ayurveda views digestion as being a critical stage.

The digestive fire, known as Agni, must be functioning properly for the digestive system to function properly. Numerous issues may arise if the digestive fire is weak (due to a Dosha imbalance or other factors). Toxins accumulate as a result, which could interfere with the body’s natural functioning. Additionally, it can reduce immunity, making the body less able to fight off illnesses and infections.

Ayurveda and diabetes –  A Healing connection.

 Ayurveda is a complementary medical system that places more emphasis on the whole holistic well-being than it does on individual ailments. The goal is to tackle the issue at its root.

Diabetes is referred to as Madhumeha in Ayurveda (literally meaning sweet urine). Vata Prameha is the term used to describe diabetes mellitus. It manifests as a result of a Vata Dosha imbalance (one of the three functional energies in the body). The medical term for diabetes insipidus is Kapha Prameha. An imbalance in the Kapha Dosha is the cause of this.

The following are the main causes of diabetes, according to Ayurveda:

  • Being inactive physically
  • Excessive slumber, which includes slumbering during the day
  • Eating too sugary food
  • Excessive curd usage
  • Consuming an excessive amount of meals that raise Kapha

Using ayurveda to reverse diabetes

The holistic approach used by Ayurveda can help treat diabetes and the majority of health issues. A multifaceted strategy is recommended by Ayurveda. The management procedure consists of:

Ayurvedic herbal remedies – Numerous therapies support the body’s rejuvenating detox process. Required in most cases of diabetes, for complete reversal of diabetes

Diabetes can be managed with dietary adjustments.

Diabetes can be managed with a change in lifestyle.

In addition, it’s imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can begin a regular exercise regimen for that. You might think about starting a gym, eating healthier, and including bitter fruits in your diet. For instance, astringent fruits and vegetables like bitter gourd, gourd, and others can assist in controlling blood sugar levels. For more dietary remedies visit our blog.


Overall, modern medicine has made significant strides in treating diabetes, but there is still room for improvement.

This article does not aim to comprehensively criticize modern medical practice or to disprove all of its present trends. It was written, I believe, to put an end to the fad that generates conflicting statistical theories for the origin of disease and to instill some caution in the pharma scientists who, while they are undoubtedly discovering the mysteries of life, are still a long way from turning these discoveries into new treatments for disease.

The harmful role that the major pharmaceutical companies play in medicine is a topic on which the author has much to say. Many people who read this article will be able to set their minds at ease regarding their purported health issues, feel assured about their capacity to fend off many of the alleged hidden threats they encounter outside, and take much of what they hear from the medical pundits with a grain of salt.

It’s not simply about blood sugar. Healthcare professionals must concentrate on a complete strategy and cover all the various concerns and methods that will enable the patient to reduce their risk.

Our Perspective towards Diabetes at DRC

The ayurvedic way of life enhances general wellness and protects you from disease. The Diabetes Reversal Clinic follows this way of thinking. We guard your bodily balance and mental harmony with the utmost care in order to avoid stress, physical imbalances, and reduced immunity.

Now is the perfect moment to boost your general health by taking the necessary actions. Be prompt! Utilize our aid to lead an ayurvedic lifestyle.

The diabetes reversal programme provided by DRC is based on tried-and-true Ayurvedic principles, yoga, and lifestyle adjustments. Customized treatments help in reducing hepatic fat deposition, which lowers insulin resistance and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Ayurvedic and yoga therapies boost insulin production and reduce insulin resistance. Our method of managing diabetes has helped turn it around. And today, a large number of patients all across the world are leading active, healthy lives.