What Exactly Is Brittle Diabetes?

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Brittle diabetes is the most severe type of diabetes. This disorder, also known as labile diabetes, produces unpredictability in blood sugar (glucose) levels. These swings might have a negative impact on your quality of life and perhaps lead to hospitalization.

This illness is now uncommon due to developments in diabetes care. It can, however, still occur in diabetics. In other circumstances, it indicates that your blood sugar is inadequately controlled. The best method to avoid brittle diabetes is to stick to your doctor’s diabetic management plan.

Brittle diabetes risk factors

Having type 1 diabetes is the most significant risk factor for brittle diabetes. Brittle diabetes is uncommon in type 2 diabetic patients. Some doctors consider it a diabetes complication, while others consider it a subtype of type 1 diabetes.

Blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetes fluctuate between high and low (hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia). This creates a potentially deadly “roller coaster” effect. Glucose levels can fluctuate quickly and unexpectedly, generating significant symptoms.

In addition to having type 1 diabetes, you are more likely to develop brittle diabetes if you:

females suffer from hormonal abnormalities

are overweight and suffer from hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones)

are in your 20s or 30s, experience high levels of stress on a regular basis, and suffer from depression

suffer from gastroparesis or celiac illness

Brittle diabetic symptoms

Brittle diabetes is characterized by frequent symptoms of low or high blood glucose levels. When a person’s blood sugar levels are out of whack, they may experience these symptoms. These symptoms, however, develop and vary frequently and without notice in those with brittle diabetes.

The following are symptoms of extremely low blood sugar levels:

dizziness and weakness


severe hunger

trembling fingers

dual vision

excruciating headaches

Having difficulty sleeping

High blood glucose levels can cause the following symptoms:


increased thirst and urination visual abnormalities include impaired vision and dry skin

Brittle diabetes treatment

The primary strategy to manage this illness is to keep your blood sugar levels in check. Tools that can assist you with this include:

Glucose monitoring in real time

Typical diabetic management is testing your blood for glucose levels on a regular basis, frequently multiple times each day. That may not be enough to keep your glucose levels under control if you have brittle diabetes.

A sensor is put beneath your skin for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). This sensor continuously detects glucose levels in your tissues and can notify you if they get too high or too low. This allows you to treat your blood sugar problems immediately.

Alternative treatment options

Brittle diabetes frequently responds favorably to proper control. Despite medication, some patients with the disease experience substantial blood sugar changes. These folks may require a pancreas transplant in rare situations.

In response to glucose in your bloodstream, your pancreas releases insulin. Insulin tells your body’s cells to take glucose from your blood and use it for energy.

Your body will be unable to metabolize glucose if your pancreas is not functioning properly. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes Care, pancreatic transplants have a high success rate in the treatment of brittle diabetes.


Brittle diabetes is not lethal, and you and your doctor can usually manage it successfully. Severe blood sugar fluctuations, on the other hand, can result in hospitalization due to the danger of diabetic coma. Furthermore, this issue might develop to various complications over time, such as:

thyroid condition

difficulties with the adrenal glands

weight gain due to depression

Diabetes Can Be Reversed

 Diabetes reversal entails more than just lowering blood sugar levels.

It denotes a situation in which the body can naturally manage blood sugar without the need for external assistance. Unfortunately, as the medication benefits wear off, blood sugar levels tend to rise again, emphasizing the necessity for continual medication.

Our Approach: Rediscovering Ayurvedic Diabetes Reversal

At the Diabetes Reversal Clinic, we use a different approach, one based on Ayurveda, an old holistic medical practice. Our approach begins with a knowledge of each individual’s unique constitution and imbalances, recognising that diabetes therapy is not a one-size-fits-all issue.

Addressing the Root Cause: Our Ayurvedic treatment looks deeply into the underlying causes of diabetes, which can differ greatly across individuals. Diet, lifestyle, stress, heredity, prakriti and dosha (constitution) imbalances are all issues to consider. We can create a thorough plan by recognising these fundamental concerns.

Personalized Vedic Diet: Nutrition programmes that are tailored to promote general balance and blood sugar management.

Ayurvedic herbs and supplements that address specific imbalances and promote metabolic health are known as proprietary herbal remedies.

Recommendations for Stress Reduction, Physical Activity, and Mindful Practises such as Yoga and Meditation

Ongoing revisions to the treatment plan as the client develops on their path to reversal.

Distinguishing Factors: At DRC, our Ayurvedic diabetes reversal approach is built on personalized treatments that probe into fundamental causes for remission rather than simple symptom relief. Individualized treatments based on “prakruti” are essential.Our proprietary Ayurvedic herbal preparations are personalized to each individual. All of our medications are freshly made to preserve the efficacy of the herbs used. As a result, we are able to show better and more consistent results.


Know More About Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.