What Is the Connection Between Skin Tags and Diabetes?

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The relationship between diabetes and skin tags is unknown. Previous study suggests that patients with diabetes are more prone than others to acquire skin tags, but additional research is needed.

Diabetes is a long-term disorder that happens when there is an excess of sugar in your bloodstream due to your body’s inability to process it properly.

In people who do not have diabetes, the pancreas generates insulin, which aids in the movement of sugar into the body’s cells. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas either does not produce enough insulin or the body does not use it as properly as it should. As a result, sugar levels in the blood rise.

Skin tags are tiny skin growths that hang from stalks. They are not harmful in terms of medicine, but they can be irritating. As a result, some people prefer to have them removed.

Skin tags can develop in diabetics, but they are also linked to a variety of other illnesses and lifestyle factors. So having skin tags does not necessary indicate that you have diabetes. However, if skin tags do emerge, you should consult your doctor. They may advise diabetic testing.

What does the research indicate?

A 2007 studyTrusted Source discovered that patients with many skin tags had an elevated risk of diabetes. It was suggested that doctors detect diabetes in persons who had skin tags.

A further study, published in 2015, reached the same conclusions, strengthening the association.

A more recent study found that skin tags were a sign of excessive cholesterol in type 2 diabetic patients.

What is the source of this?

The etiology of skin tags in diabetics is unknown. It appears to be linked to the body’s insulin resistance, but additional research is needed to prove this. Overweight people are also more likely to acquire skin tags. Obesity is also linked to diabetes, so it is possible that this is another component in the development of skin tags.

Skin tag removal and treatment

Because skin tags are completely safe, there is no medical reason to have them removed. However, some people find them bothersome and wish to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.

It’s possible that having your doctor remove skin tags is the best solution. There are several ways to accomplish this:

Apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and lemon juice are some natural therapies that are said to be beneficial. Here are several over-the-counter and home methods for eradicating skin tags that you can try.

There is a danger of infection with any of these procedures. This is important to remember because infections might be more harmful to diabetics. Attempting to remove skin tags on your own raises the danger of infection.

If you have diabetes and have skin tags, you may find that with stabilized insulin, the skin tags clear and do not reoccur as frequently. This may be preferred to removal since it reduces the risk of infection.

Furthermore, while skin tags may not return after removal, you may notice that new ones grow nearby if the underlying cause of the problem has not been addressed.

The main point

According to research, diabetics are more likely than others to develop skin tags. This does not, however, imply that if you have skin tags, you have diabetes. Skin tags are linked to a variety of different disorders.

If you get skin tags, you should consult your doctor. To rule out diabetes as a possible reason, your doctor may recommend a blood test. Visit your doctor more frequently if you have any additional risk factors for diabetes, such as being overweight or having a family history.

If you choose to have your skin tags removed, be aware of the risk of infection and have the surgery performed by a specialist.


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