Worst Blood Glucose Checking Practises (and How to Avoid Them)

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

When using a blood glucose meter to monitor your level, you may occasionally get an incorrect reading. When this occurs, you may be tempted to blame your meter. However, most problems are something else.

Failure to wash your hands

Even if your hands do not appear unclean, failing to wash them before testing can skew your results. A study found that if you handled fruit before testing, your results could be significantly wrong.

Inadequate blood flow

The most common error is failing to obtain enough blood on the test strip. After used hundreds of different blood glucose metres since a doctor told me I have diabetes 21 years ago, I know from experience that if I don’t get nearly enough blood on the test strip, the meter’s reading will be inaccurate.

Squeezing your index finger

If your hands are chilly or your circulation is poor, you may need to squeeze your finger quite firmly to draw enough blood. When you do this, you receive interstitial fluid instead of blood. According to one study, this “may lead to unreliable readings.” Warming your hands gently ahead of time can assist you not have to squeeze as hard.

Cleaning your fingertips with alcohol

Although some blood glucose meter manufacturers recommend cleaning your fingertips with alcohol, this is incorrect. According to the experts, this will result in an abnormally low test result.

Using the pad of your finger

Don’t test on the pads of your fingers because they have more nerve endings. Testing there is more likely to be unpleasant, both during testing and later when you use that finger for typing or other tasks. Determine which sides of each finger have the best blood flow. It’s the outside of my little fingers for me. If you test frequently, changing the test site in a regular sequence is a smart idea.

Using out-of-date test strips

Researchers from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention discovered that old test strips produce erroneous results, especially if they are over their expiration date. Some metres will reject expired strips, but not all of them. And none of them will reject strips that are nearing their expiration dates, which, according to the CDC experts, can result in incorrect test results.

Ignoring critical information

If your A1C level is higher than 8.4, your fasting level contributed the most to having an abnormally high blood sugar level. However, testing two hours after the first bite of a meal can also provide useful information. This is especially true if you consume more than a few grams of carbohydrate, which is the only thing that will have a significant impact on your level.

Inadequate testing

Few diabetics test frequently enough. Testing in pairs can be beneficial. The objective is to simply test before and after eating, exercising, and experiencing a stressful event.

Not doing anything with what you learn from testing

As I stated in “Don’t Waste Your Time and Money on Diabetes Testing,” one terrible mistake you can make is failing to learn anything from your test results. Use your testing to alter your behaviour. If your level is excessively high, consult your doctor about possible modifications, like as increasing your exercise or adjusting your diet. Simple tweaks can often make a significant effect.

Our Outlook –

How are we able to Treat Diabetes Completely?

“Madhumeha” is the term for Diabetes in Ayurveda, which means ‘Sweet urine’. The manifestation of diabetes is through thirst or urination. According to Ayurveda, due to accumulation of Vata Dosha. Vata dosha accumulates in the large intestine and travels to the pancreas, which hampers its functioning.

Sometimes, Pitta Dosha also leads to diabetes. This is when Pitta gets accumulated in the small intestine before moving to the liver and may cause damage to pancreas. As the main constituent of Pitta is Agni, it burns out pancreas leading to Diabetes.

If the above things are taken into consideration, the treatment of Diabetes in Ayurveda starts with proper cleansing of the body and balancing of doshas. The treatment includes herbal combinations that are prepared based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Ie. The treatment is based on a person’s body composition & which dosha is dominant. The treatments like Dhara, Udwarthanam, Thalam, etc are followed to reverse diabetes. The treatment also includes Panchakarma & Yoga procedures to address the root cause of disease. We have seen many patients successfully reversing Diabetes and now living a healthy life.

Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, we address the root-cause of the disease. Our treatment for Diabetes has proved to achieve a near cure and symptom-free state. We focus on diet, use of potent herbs, meditation, massage with herbal oils and yoga. These classical ayurveda practices have proven & shown sustained results in our Diabetes Treatment.

The author, Dr. Soumya Hullannavar is a Lead Ayurveda Endocrine Specialist at Diabetes Reversal Clinics & EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating endocrine & diabetes cases

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