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Diet For Diabetes

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Trying to control and prevent diabetes?

The basic step for achieving the goal of diabetes reversal or controlling it is by controlling nutritional needs, for which no special foods are necessary. Rather, one needs to pay attention to the choices of food- specifically regarding carbohydrate intake. This is one of the most important things to lose weight and control diabetes. Shedding 5-10% of body weight can be very helpful in lowering blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Losing weight and eating a healthy diet for diabetes can improve your attitude, energy, and overall sense of well-being. Diabetes patients have a roughly doubled risk of heart disease and are more likely to develop mental health issues such as depression.

However, type 2 diabetes can be avoided in the vast majority of instances, and in rare situations, it can even be reversed. Even if you’ve already been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s not too late to modify your lifestyle. You can minimize your symptoms by eating better, getting more physically active, and decreasing weight. Taking efforts to avoid or control diabetes does not imply deprivation; rather, it entails eating a delicious, well-balanced diet for diabetes that will increase your energy and enhance your mood. You don’t have to completely give up sweets or settle with bland meals for the rest of your life.

The major risk for diabetes is being obese which becomes critical, if you tend to carry your weight around your abdomen as opposed to hips and thighs. The excess of belly fat surrounds the abdominal organs and liver and is directly linked to insulin resistance. Calories from fructose (found in sugary beverages like soda, energy and sports drinks, coffee drinks, and processed meals like doughnuts, muffins, cereal, candies, and granola bars) are more likely to cause belly fat gain. Cutting less on sugary meals can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of diabetes.

Diet plan for diabetes:

It usually doesn’t have to be complicated and it is not necessary to give up all your favorite foods. It’s all about making smart choices and knowing facts about eating in order to prevent diabetes.

1.      Eating more of:

  •  Healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, flax seeds, fish oils and avocados
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, the more colorful the better; entire fruit instead of liquids.
  • Whole grain cereals and breads with high fiber content.
  • Fish and shellfish, as well as organic chicken or turkey, are all good choices.
  • Eggs, beans, low-fat dairy, and unsweetened yogurt are all good sources of high-quality protein.

2.      Eating less of:

  • Baked foods, candies, chips, and desserts are examples of packaged and quick meals, particularly those heavy in sugar.
  • White bread, sugary cereals, processed pastas, and rice are all bad for you.
  • Meat that has been processed and red meat.
  • Fat-free yogurt is an example of a low-fat food that has substituted fat with additional sugar.

3.      Choosing high fiber and less carbs:

Carbohydrates have a greater impact on blood sugar levels than fats and proteins, so you must be careful about the carbs you consume. Limit refined carbs such as white bread, pasta, and rice, as well as soda, sweets, ready-to-eat meals, and snacks. Concentrate on complex carbohydrates with a high fiber content, often known as slow-release carbohydrates. Because they are digested more slowly, your body does not produce as much insulin.

4.      Being careful regarding sweets:

A diet for diabetes does not imply avoiding sugar entirely, but if you’re like most of us, you probably consume more sugar than is healthy. Even if you have diabetes, you can occasionally indulge in a modest dish of your favorite dessert. Moderation is the key.

This can be done by reducing cravings for sugar slowly, holding onto bread or rice for dessert cravings, adding some healthy fats to dessert, having sweets with the meals rather than having them as a snack alone, and indulging every bite of dessert.

5.      Spotting hidden sugar:

Being aware of the dangers of sweets is only half the battle. Sugar can also be found in bread, cereals, canned goods, pasta sauce, margarine, instant mashed potatoes, frozen dinners, low-fat meals, and ketchup, among other packaged foods, fast food meals, and grocery store mainstays.

There are various diet plans available online, some of them can be noted as below:

A.    DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet: This is the diet plan used to keep high blood pressure and diabetes in check. It’s a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, as well as low-fat dairy, lean meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats. It is best for weight reduction and the more you lose weight, the more you will improve blood sugar levels.

B.     Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean Diet is a delightful choice for those with diabetes because it includes a lot of fresh, seasonal cuisine, plenty of produce, heart-healthy olive oil, and a little wine. This diet for diabetes helps to maintain blood glucose levels and reduce heart disease risk.

C.     Mark Bittman’s VB6 Diet: Here, “VB6” stands for vegan before 6pm. This is a part time vegan diet, which means indulging more fibers and less saturated fats.

D.    The Volumetrics Diet: You consume a lot of water-rich items on this diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups. Whole grains are also a must-have since they’re high in fiber, which keeps your blood sugar levels in check.

E.     Ornish Diet: People who followed the Ornish Diet (which is essentially a vegetarian diet) for a year dropped an average of 11 pounds, and many of them were able to reduce their diabetic medication dosage or switch from insulin to an oral medicine, according to research.

As what you eat gets metabolized, having less or under a diet helps to maintain proper metabolism in the body, which directly brings blood glucose levels in control.

So, do you want to get rid of diabetes? Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle?

Connect with us and get proper assistance from a Diabetic practitioner who has helped around 100 (number can be changed) people in reversing diabetes.

 Contact No: +91 88847 22267 or Mail: or Visit Diabetes Reversal Clinic.