eAG – The Estimated Average Glucose level

What is eAG?

eAG stands for estimated average glucose level which represents the glucose levels in the blood from a period of 60 to 90 days. It is expressed in terms of mg/dL – milligrams per deciliter or mmol/L – millimoles per litre. 

How is eAG measured?

eAG levels are estimated with the help of the HbA1c test.The results of an HbA1c test are expressed as percentage values, the eAG value represents the correlated value of blood glucose in mg/dL or mmol/L.

Formula to convert percentage values of HbA1c levels to eAG:

eAG (mg/dL) = 28.7 x A1c – 46.7

Chart showing A1c percentage with corresponding eAG values in mg/dL or mmol/L

HbA1c (%)eAG (mg/dL)
A1C Levels

The eAG range and what it indicates

eAG rangeIndication
Lower than 114 mg/dLNormal
114 – 140 mg/dLPrediabetes
Higher than 140 mg/dLDiabetes

If your eAG levels indicate the prediabetic or diabetic range of blood glucose of the past 60 – 90 days, you may be at an increased risk for developing diabetes and related complications.

Recommended frequency of getting your eAG levels checked:

For a healthy or non-diabetic individual, it is recommended to get eAG levels checked at least once every 6 months.

If you are prediabetic or diabetic then it is recommended to get your eAG levels checked once every 90 days or every 3 months since it gives a direction for your course of treatment.

Why eAG over other blood glucose tests?

Unlike the fasting blood glucose test, a glucometer-based test and a post-meal blood glucose level test are instantaneous measures of blood glucose, since the eAG levels are based on the A1c test, it gives an accurate measure of blood glucose of the past 60 to 90 days. It is a stable measure of blood sugar which not only gives results that are independent of any dietary restrictions but is also unaffected by stresses of any kind, with the test being taken at any time of the day.

Ending note

The eAG levels help us in knowing our blood sugar levels for the past 60 – 90 days which gives an accurate profile of blood glucose to determine the measures to be taken for the prevention or treatment of diabetes.

Consult a diabetes specialist for the management of diabetes and treatment modifications based on your eAG levels.