Everything you need to know about diabetic ketoacidosis

In this article, we will know the meaning of Diabetic ketoacidosis, its causes, what happens to the body in diabetic ketoacidosis or the symptoms, along with the consequences and preventive methods.

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a life-threatening illness that occurs as a complication of diabetes due to insulin deficiency. Due to the absence of or inadequate insulin in the body, the cells lose the ability to utilize glucose and thus turn to fat for obtaining energy. 

This breakdown of fat leads to the build-up of a by-product from fat breakdown called ketones in the body. When the ketones exceed their tolerable limit or reach a level of toxicity, it leads to a dangerous medical condition called ketoacidosis.

You’re at a risk for diabetic ketoacidosis if-

  1. You have type-1 diabetes
  2. Do not take insulin on time or as prescribed
  3. Suffer from type-2 diabetes (this is rare)

Diabetic ketoacidosis is more closely linked to type 1 diabetes rather than type 2 diabetes because type 1 diabetes is associated with insulin deficiency whereas type 2 diabetes is mostly due to lifestyle factors.

Sometimes, diabetic ketoacidosis is a precursor for undiagnosed diabetes.

The causes of diabetic ketoacidosis include-

  • Suffering from diabetes
  • Suffering with an underlying illness like
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Influenza
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Taking drugs
  • Suffering from an eating disorder
  • Obesity
  • If diabetes runs in the family
  • Have an underlying hormonal disorder that may affect insulin production
  • Wrong amount or type of insulin administration

Now that we are familiar with the causes that lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, let us know what happens to the body during the disease.

Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include-

  1. Frequent urination
  2. Frequent thirst
  3. Nausea
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Fatigue
  6. Breathlessness
  7. Fruity smell
  8. Anxiety

How is diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosed?

A person is said to have diabetic ketoacidosis if they have-

  • Elevated blood sugar levels in their blood profile
  • High ketone bodies in the urine from their urine test

Consequences of diabetic ketoacidosis-

Treating diabetic ketoacidosis involves insulin administration and electrolytes like Na(Sodium) and K(Potassium). It is important to know the treatment of this illness because remedial medications play a role in the complications of the disease.

The complications include-

  • Hypoglycemia or low blood glucose
  • Hypokalemia or low potassium
  • Cerebral edema or brain swelling
  • Untreated diabetic ketoacidosis can cause death

Ways of preventing diabetic ketoacidosis-

  1. Effective treatment of diabetes– If you are a diabetic patient, ensure that you keep your blood glucose in check and manage diabetes to prevent complications of diabetes including life-threatening conditions like ketoacidosis.
  2. Regular health checkups– Regular health checkups not only help in the prevention of disease but also help in regulating and eliminating the illness in its early stages through diagnosis.
  3. Insulin dosage– Talk to your healthcare provider and discuss your insulin requirements depending on your lifestyle, eating habits, physical and mental stress, or any other diseases you’re suffering from.
  4. Monitor your ketone levels– As a ground rule, low insulin in the body indicates high ketones in the urine and high insulin in the body causes low ketones in the urine. If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms or illnesses, get your urine tested to check for ketones.

When to consult a doctor?

Consult a doctor when- 

  • You are unable to digest food and vomit everything you are consuming
  • Suffering with constant high blood glucose levels at >300 mg/dL
  • You observe high ketones in the urine from a urine test

Keep in mind that diabetic ketoacidosis can lead to death if gone untreated. Especially if you are diabetic, it is important to get your urine tested regularly and consult a diabetes specialist to know whether your insulin dosage needs to be adjusted from time to time.

However, regularly getting a health check-up or practicing prevention of disease can lead to better management of the causes leading to the disease and enable us to prevent the life-threatening consequences of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Diabetic ketoacidosis