Udvartana – A Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a collection of metabolic illnesses marked by high blood sugar levels caused by abnormalities in insulin production, action, or both. Overweight and obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and increased consumption of unhealthy diets heavy in red and processed meat, refined carbohydrates, and sugar-sweetened drinks are all factors contributing to the breakout of this global type 2 diabetes epidemic.

Weight loss can postpone the onset of diabetes in pre-diabetics and reduce the overall risk of diabetes, according to research.

Additionally, weight loss has been proven to enhance glycemic management. As a result, it appears that weight control is crucial in the prevention of diabetes. There are various methods for reducing body weight, the most popular and extensively used of which include eating a low-calorie diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

However, many people find it difficult to stick to standards for lengthy periods of time, and hence non-compliance is prevalent. People all around the globe are looking for complementary and alternative treatments to help them manage their diabetes. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is estimated to be utilized by 80% of the world’s population for basic health care.

Udvartana, as elaborated in ancient Ayurvedic writings, is supposed to help people to lose weight, keep their tissues healthy, and keep their skin healthy. It aids in the reduction of kaph adosha and medo dhatu, which are raised in diabetes, according to Ayurveda.

Clinical research shows that udvartana has numerous catabolic effects on body fat. Udvartana was found to have a substantial impact on physical parameters such as body weight, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, and skinfold thickness in a research. There was a considerable decrease in psychological markers such as the stress inventory scale score. In the study group, there was a considerable increase in sleep quality. These studies imply that udvartana helps to lower body fat and stress.

Udvartana is thought to help reduce tissue fat and serum lipids, according to clinical research. Udvartana has been shown to drastically decrease central adiposity. Udvartana has been shown in trials to have a considerable reduction in blood lipids as well as an increase in HDL cholesterol. As a result, Udvartana has a dual effect on body fat and serum lipids. This has the added benefit of reducing both diabetes and associated vascular consequences. The specific mechanism of udvartana’s activity is unknown. Udvartana promotes metabolic activity in the tissues, according to Ayurvedic scriptures.

It is possible that udvartana’s impact is related to its activity on the enzymes that control lipid breakdown. The lipolytic enzymes may be stimulated by the powders of herbs typically used for Udvartana. Furthermore, spreading powder vigorously over the skin may have a mechanical effect on the skin’s receptors. Despite the fact that it is a non-invasive technique, it has a systemic effect, as indicated by its ability to reduce blood lipids. This suggests that udvartana may promote lipid catabolism all over the body.

How is Udvartana done?

The udvrtan powder contains nerve stimulating and strong nourishing agents like halad, bibhitaki, amla, deodar, senna, kulthi and others.

The powder or paste is quickly massaged into the entire body for 30-45 minutes in Udvartana (any of the three techniques). The powder’s absorptive qualities work to remove excess fat deposits from the body. Swedana, an herbal sauna, is advised after the massage, followed by a shower to remove the powder/paste.

How does Udvartana work?

Herbal powders that are dry in nature and have a high potency are utilised in udvartana. The paste is generally made with sesame oil, which has a high efficacy. All of the herbs and oils aid in the creation of lightness as well as the removal of obstructions and stiffness. It has a liquefying effect on the fat tissues. When herbal powders and oils are applied to the skin in a precise way, they open pores, eliminate blockages in the arteries, boost tissue heat, and stimulate fat metabolism.

The customer is advised to sit in a herbal steam chamber with his or her head outside the steam chamber once the paste has been applied to the body and the massage is completed. The body sheds a lot of extra water (kapha) and the pores start to open during this therapy. The herbal oil incorporated with the paste also percolates deeper into the skin as the pores expand, liquefying the fat.

Udvartana is said to clear clogs in the body’s microchannels, according to Ayurvedic texts. As many Ayurvedic practitioners utilise Udvartana to treat vascular diseases, this theory alludes to the influence of Udvartana on increasing microcirculation. The most prevalent skin illnesses in people with diabetes are cutaneous infections, xerosis, and inflammatory skin diseases. Udvartana is said to have a beneficial effect on the skin’s health in Ayurvedic texts.  

To get Udvartana treatment from an expert Ayurvedic health provider for diabetes, connect with us at +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic and request a call back. 

Udvartana – A Treatment for Diabetes