Ayurveda Makes Diabetes Reversal Possible 


Ayurveda – the ancient record of medicine and way of approaching and curing a disease in a holistic way. It is entirely based on the theory of Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. As the universe is made of five elements, our body is also made of those five elements known as Panchamahabhutas i.e. Jala (water), Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasha (space). The tridoshas are composed of these five basic elements and once Tridoshas are in harmony, the body is well oriented with the surroundings and is away from diseased condition.

When the doshas are not in harmony, it is an alarm for an onset of disease. One such disease, very common in todays’ world and 7th most abundant disease worldwide is Diabetes. According to ayurvedic literature, Diabetes is a disease of profuse urination. Diabetes is a serious condition that can be difficult to cure because of the multiple problems it can cause and the other organs that it might impact. Fortunately, diabetic Mellitus may be treated with Ayurvedic medicine. Of course, there is no permanent cure for diabetes, but Ayurvedic approaches can help control it.

Diabetes is a long-term ailment caused by the body’s inability to produce enough insulin for cells to operate properly. Excess sugar synthesis in the blood is triggered by a shortage of insulin. Glycosuria and hyperglycemia are the terms for this. This indicates that your body has an excessive amount of glucose, which might hinder the normal functioning of your neurological system, heart, eyes, blood vessels, and kidneys.

Poor eating is one of the key causes of diabetes, according to Ayurveda. Sweets, sugar, dairy products, alcohol, fat, and bread-heavy diets are considered unhealthy and are not encouraged. Obesity, excessive sleep, lack of exercise, excessive sex, stress, or even inheritance can all contribute to diabetes.

Diabetes is referred to in Ayurveda as Madumeha, which literally translates to “sweet urine.” It refers to a rise in blood sugar levels, which results in an excess of sugar in the urine. ‘Dhatupaka Janya Vikruti’ is described in Ayurvedic scriptures concerning Ayurvedic diabetic therapy. This is the negative impact of high blood sugar levels on other bodily tissues. The writings also mention a proclivity for the ailment to be passed on through the generations. Ojas is the essential essence of life, according to Ayurveda, and when it is lost, all body processes lose their potency. Because Ojas is lost via the urine in diabetes, the disease is also known as Ojomeha, or the loss of Ojas through urination.

Further, to ensure optimal digestion, the digestive fire Agni should be kept at a high level. Around midday, eat your largest or heaviest meal of the day. Breakfast and dinner should be light. Food should be eaten warm and cold food should be avoided to prevent exacerbating the chilly Kapha Dosha. Sweet and bitter flavours exacerbate the Kapha dosha. As a result, stay away from foods that have a lot of these flavours. A Kapha dominant individual should drink warm or hot water throughout the day to enhance warmth. Copper-infused water has long been used to treat diabetes. Snacks in between meals will strain the digestion even more because the metabolism and digestion are sluggish. For insulin resistance therapy, various Ayurvedic herbs and formulations that promote digestion and boost the digestive fire are recommended.

Ayurvedic therapy for hypoglycemia extends beyond medicine and nutrition. Stress has a significant role in the progression of diabetes. Making an effort to prevent or correctly manage stress can go a long way toward assisting the body in balancing its Doshas. One of the lifestyle adjustments advocated for Ayurvedic diabetes therapy is getting enough sleep.

There is a prominent Dosha at each stage of life. Childhood, the initial stage of existence, is impacted by Kapha. Pitta dominates the second stage of life, which begins with puberty. From the age of 50 through death, we are in the third stage. Childhood is a Kapha-dominant time in one’s life. Type 1 diabetes can develop in children who have a Kapha aggravating diet or lifestyle at this age. Ayurvedic therapy for type 1 diabetes focuses on harmonizing the Doshas using a mix of internal and exterior Ayurvedic treatments as well as lifestyle adjustments. It locates stressors in the body and attempts to alleviate them. Apathyanimittaja is the Ayurvedic term for type 2 diabetes. An inflamed Vata Dosha leads to an aggravated Kapha Dosha. Sedentary behaviours and a sedentary lifestyle exacerbate the problem. Ayurvedic medication is used to balance the Doshas and lifestyle adjustments are made to help control type 2 diabetes.

But, the question arises whether Ayurveda can cure diabetes completely or not?

Knowing the ayurvedic’s holistic approach of healing a disease, people often tend to approach the same. Ayurveda suggests some accessible home remedies that anyone can prepare at home, limit their carbohydrates intake and figure out a solution to reverse diabetes.

As diabetes is a Kapha disorder that is metabolic in which digestive functions are reduced and leads to a rise in blood sugar levels, bringing back bodies’ metabolism back to sync may help in curing diabetes. Further, maintaining healthy eating habits, few lifestyle changes, reduction in stress levels and having physical activities may help in reversal of diabetes in an effective way.

Ayurveda suggests many home remedies that can help in balancing blood sugar levels (this can be given as url to the blog that suggests home remedies). While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for diabetes, you can use Ayurvedic medication for high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as a unique Ayurvedic diet, to alleviate the major symptoms. An Ayurvedic lifestyle can help you live a more holistic and healthy life by reducing the effects of diabetes on your body.

A comprehensive Ayurvedic practice involves getting up at 6 a.m., scraping your tongue to remove any digestive waste (also known as ama), and then taking Ayurvedic diabetic medications. Bitter gourd juice, in addition to the drugs, will be required since it includes potent anti-diabetic effects.

In order to get better assistance on diabetes reversal in a holistic way as mentioned by Ayurveda, contact us at +91 88847 22267 or Mail: info@diabetesreversal.clinic or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic and request a call back.