Ayurvedic Treatment For Varicose Vein Treatment & Remedies
Do you frequently experience muscle pain, particularly in the extremities of your lower legs? Is there a distinct dark blue or purple discoloration there as well? If so, you may have varicose veins, a common ailment characterised by swollen, bulging veins most commonly observed in the legs and feet.
A variety of causes, such as spending a lot of time sitting in a chair, weight concerns, pregnancy, or even digestive issues like constipation or bloating, could all contribute to this disease. While some occurrences of varicose veins are moderate and do not require treatment, other engorged, damaged veins signal underlying blood circulation issues and frequent clotting. These are chronic, causing persistent leg pain and discomfort.
Varicose veins can be treated both surgically and non-surgically. Because of its effectiveness and few side effects, Ayurvedic therapies for varicose veins are the most preferred treatment.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Veins
According to Ayurveda, each person is made up of a unique combination of the three doshas. Vata (air), Pitta (water and fire), and Kapha (earth) are among them. Each dosha has an impact on specific body functions, and imbalances can lead to sickness.
Varicosis is a condition characterised by a vitiation of the Vata dosha in the rasa, rakta, and upadhatus. As a result, Ayurvedic varicose vein treatment focuses on soothing the Vata dosha and may include nutritional, medicinal, yogic, and other adjustments.
Varicose Veins Symptoms
Varicose veins are distinguished by a twisted, blue or purple vein just beneath the skin’s surface. Other signs and symptoms include
Blue or purple veins that are twisted, bulging, or rope-like. They can be found on your legs, ankles, and feet. They can spread slowly and develop clusters.
- Heavy legs: Your legs’ muscles may feel heavy, fatigued, or sluggish, especially after activity.
- Itching: Itching of the skin around varicose veins.
- Leg pain: Your legs may feel uncomfortable, achy, or sore, and you may experience muscular cramps.
- Legs, ankles, and feet may swell and throb.
- Ulcers and skin discolorations: If not treated, varicose veins can cause brown skin discolorations. Venous ulcers (sores) on the skin can be caused by severe varicose veins.
Varicose veins are most commonly found in the lower body, specifically the calves, ankles, and feet. They may also appear in the pelvic area, particularly in women who have just given child. Varicocele or enlarged testicles can cause infertility.
Varicose veins are a condition that occurs when the veins become abnormally twisted, expanded, and swollen due to blood backflow.
Varicose veins are common in the veins of the legs. Varicose veins are referred to in Ayurveda as “Siraja Granthi,” where “Siraja” refers to the veins and tubular structures involved in blood flow and “Granthi” refers to an inflammation resembling a cyst.
These veins serve as conduits for deoxygenated blood from the legs to the heart. The heart contains structures known as valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. These valves deteriorate as a result of activities such as extended standing, weight bearing, and long-distance walking. As a result, blood flows backwards, creating swelling and vein dilation. Vein varicosity can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, and hypertension.
But don’t panic; ancient Ayurvedic books such as Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita feature various potent Ayurvedic medicines with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and dosha-balancing effects. These plants are effective natural treatments for varicose veins.
Continue reading to discover about some amazing Ayurvedic varicose veins remedies that help improve circulation, lighten discoloured skin patches, heal damaged blood vessels in varicose veins, and prevent the issue from recurring.
Ayurvedic Varicose Vein remedies
Castor oil, which is used to create Eranda, reduces inflammation and helps to release blood clots. This herbal medication can help you get rid of the dark patches caused by varicose veins. Softly rub it in a circular motion for a few minutes, then let it to permeate the skin.
This ayurvedic herb is used to cure varicose veins. Manjistha, an Indian plant, has significant anti-inflammatory qualities that help to reduce leg swelling and varicose vein symptoms. This herb balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, removes blood pollutants, and improves circulation. It is a tried-and-true Ayurvedic remedy that is very beneficial for healing varicose veins. It also repairs damaged veins and blood arteries while having no negative side effects. It removes the stains and flaws caused by varicose veins from the skin.
Sariva roots have traditionally been used to treat varicose veins. Plant components in these roots can improve skin tone and alleviate discomfort. To cure varicose veins, the extracted roots are applied topically to the afflicted area as a medicine or ointment. Sariva roots’ blood-purifying characteristics aid in the elimination of pollutants and the regulation of blood flow.
The Indian Elm tree is the source of this herb. The bark and leaves of the tree can be used to cure varicose veins and other tri-doshas-related illnesses. Chilrabilva is a herbal blood purifier that can be taken orally or topically. This plant brings the veins and affected area back into balance. A decoction of the bark is often used to dissolve blood clots in the lower legs. It is given as a paste made from the tree’s bark extract. It lowers discolouration and cures varicose veins. Make a paste with the bark extract and leaves and apply it to the affected region.
Gotu kola
Gotu Kola, another useful herb, has a wide range of healing characteristics and therapeutic applications. Iron and other minerals are abundant in Gotu Kola. It is also known as Asiatic pennywort and aids in the synthesis of red blood cells. It can be mixed with juice or any other herbal beverage to boost the effects of Gotu Kola. It increases circulation and helps the body maintain normal blood pressure. Consuming a herbal cocktail with Gotu kola leaf juice can significantly boost collagen and elastin production. This is due to Gotu kola’s high concentration of triterpenoid antioxidants, which aid in the healing of damaged blood vessels and vein internal architecture.