All about Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) 


Continuous glucose monitoring or CGM is a wearable device that allows you to keep track of your blood sugar levels throughout time. Blood glucose is also known as blood sugar. CGM is a diabetes management tool. When you wear this gadget, it monitors your glucose levels 24 hours a day.

Insulin is a hormone that aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body. When you have Type 1 diabetes, your body does not create enough (or any) insulin. When you have Type 2 diabetes, your body produces insulin but doesn’t utilize it properly. To keep blood sugar levels stable, diabetics must inject themselves with insulin on a regular basis. And to help in the amount of injections of insulin needed, continuous monitoring of glucose becomes necessary.

The quantity of glucose in the fluid inside your body is measured by CGM. Using small sensors, many gadgets capture information in various ways. In certain circumstances, the sensor is glued to the back of your arm or is implanted beneath the skin of your abdomen in a rapid and painless manner. The information is then sent to a wireless-pager-like monitor that you may attach on your belt through a transmitter on the sensor.

The monitor shows your blood sugar readings every one, five, ten, or fifteen minutes. The monitor will sound an alert if your sugar dips to a dangerously low level or a high preset threshold. This data can be viewed by everyone and can be downloaded on computer, tablet or a smartphone to see patterns and trends in sugar levels.

This information helps the health provider in following ways:

a.       How much insulin do you need?

b.      An fitness program that is personalized and best fitted for you

c.       The amount of meals and snacks you require on a daily basis

d.      Medication kinds and dosages that are right

Blood glucose monitoring reveals how much and when your body needs insulin. Blood sugar levels that fluctuate a lot can harm your health in a variety of ways. When blood sugar levels are too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia), they can be dangerous and even fatal if not handled swiftly.

Blood sugar levels may be affected by a variety of factors, including the meals you eat, the sports you participate in, and your lifestyle. However, diabetes affects people in different ways. How a food or activity affects one person’s glucose levels is typically different from how the same item affects someone else.

Your body might be unexpected as well. Even healthcare specialists don’t always understand why your body reacts the way it does. Even if you believe you’re doing everything properly, all of these variables might make treating diabetes difficult.

How does CGM work?

You may pick from a variety of CGM devices on the market today. Each operates very much the same way. The appearance, feel, and features of a gadget are the most noticeable distinctions.

Here’s how CGM works in general:

1.      A tiny sensor is placed just beneath your skin, generally on your abdomen or arm. This portion is made simple and quick with the use of an applicator. The sensor is held in place by adhesive tape.

2.      The glucose levels in the fluid beneath your skin are measured by the sensor. Most CGM devices collect measurements every five minutes, all day and night. Depending on the gadget, you’ll need to replace the sensor on a frequent basis. Sensors are changed every 7 to 14 days for most devices at home. Your healthcare practitioner will update the sensor in a procedure in their office a couple of times (or fewer) per year for certain long-term implanted CGM systems.

3.      A transmitter is used in all CGM systems to wirelessly convey glucose data from the sensor to a device where it may be seen. Some CGM systems have a reusable transmitter that connects to each fresh sensor. The transmitter is included in the disposable sensor for other CGM systems.

4.      The glucose data from the sensor is transferred to a portable device called a receiver (similar to a cell phone), an app on your smartphone, or an insulin pump, depending on the CGM system.

5.      CGM data (real-time glucose levels, trends, and history) may be downloaded to a computer at any time. Some CGM systems send data on a continual basis. You can also advise your provider of the information.

Advantages of CGM:

1.      Even if the measures aren’t perfect, they can help detect patterns in blood glucose levels: CGMs, for example, might display blood glucose spikes or decreases at times when it’s hard to check sugar levels regularly, such as early in the morning.

2.      Getting rid of the necessity for several finger pricks, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to manage on a regular basis.

3.      Aiding in the understanding of the impact of food and exercise on blood sugar levels.

4.      When glucose levels are too low or too high, consumers are notified with an alert.

 Disadvantages of CGM:

1.      Although the CGM provides blood glucose readings at short intervals, it usually requires twice-daily finger sticks to calibrate the CGM for accuracy.

2.      When compared to venous blood glucose, CGM devices can take up to 25 minutes to show a rise in glucose readings.

3.      Data suggests that CGM may become less effective in detecting hypoglycemia (low glucose) ranges, despite the fact that the technology has been hailed as particularly useful for detecting these episodes.