Choosing Diabetes Reversal Over Metformin 


Metformin is a drug that is used to treat and prevent type 2 diabetes in those who are at a high risk of getting it. Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin it does produce is ineffective. This might result in a spike in blood sugar levels. Metformin decreases blood sugar levels through boosting your body’s insulin sensitivity. It’s commonly taken for diabetes when diet and exercise aren’t enough to keep blood sugar levels under control.

Metformin works by lowering the quantity of sugar released into your bloodstream by your liver. It also improves your body’s insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in your bloodstream. Feeling and being unwell, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and going off your diet are the most prevalent adverse effects of consuming metformin. Besides this, it can help lower your blood sugar levels, reduce your risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack, and has a minimal chance of producing hazardous medication interactions and severe adverse effects.

Keeping diabetes under control is not only associated with consumption of drugs like metformin. There are other ways in which diabetes reversal can be achieved.

The diabetes reversal can be achieved in a holistic way by shedding excess weight, diet changes and accompanying it with a healthy lifestyle by following a routine. Diabetes can be completely reversed in some people, but cannot be possible in others. For them, following a healthy lifestyle may come with advantages like reduction in dosage of insulin and drug consumption.

So the question comes fresh again, how can you reverse diabetes?

1.      Following a low-calorie diet:

Cells that assist your body balance blood sugar cease performing properly when you develop type 2 diabetes. Doctors used to believe they were permanently disabled, but new study suggests that certain cells may recover. People who dropped weight had decreased fat levels in their liver and pancreas, which enabled the beta cells in their pancreas, which release insulin and regulate blood sugar, reactivate. So, shedding excess weight proves to be helpful in diabetes reversal.

2.      Being physically active:

More physical activity can help with diabetes, but it may be difficult to drop enough weight to enter remission with only exercises. Exercise, however, can aid when accompanied with dietary adjustments. A low-calorie diet combined with a significant increase in calorie expenditure might put you on the road to remission. Adults with type 2 diabetes should engage in two to three resistance exercise sessions each week. At least three days a week, children should participate in exercises that improve their strength and flexibility. Resistance workouts, athletics, and climbing on playground equipment are all examples of this.

3.      Fasting:

It can prove to be an effective way of losing weight. It’s obvious that if you consume fewer calories, the goal of shedding weight can be accomplished. There are several promising studies that suggest intermediate fasting in order to cure chronic disease like diabetes. 

4.      Getting adequate sleep:

Sleep, metabolism, and obesity have all been linked in studies. We get hungrier when we don’t get enough sleep, especially for high-calorie and high-carbohydrate meals. Scientists think that sleep has an impact on the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin in the body. Another aspect is that not getting enough sleep depletes our energy for physical activities.

5.      Taking care of mental health:

Anxiety, depression, and a loss of interest in formerly pleasant activities can all be symptoms of sickness. Diabetes patients are two to three times more likely to suffer from depression than those who do not have the disease, yet only 25% to 50% are identified and treated. They’re also 20% more prone to suffer from anxiousness.

These are the ways in which diabetes reversal can be achieved besides just consumption of drugs. Drugs like metformin are effective in controlling blood glucose levels, but their consumption is an addiction to the body. Having drugs thought-out life or making your lifestyle better to reverse diabetes is ultimately your choice.

But before coming to a conclusion, let’s now view some side effects of metformin:

1.      Long term usage of metformin causes memory loss.

2.      Lactic acidosis:

Lactic acid accumulation, a substance produced naturally by your muscles and red blood cells, causes this deadly situation. Metformin-associated lactic acidosis is what it’s termed when it happens while taking the drug (MALA).

3.      Vitamin B12 deficiency:

A shortage of this B vitamin can affect anybody, but metformin users are at a larger risk, especially over time. Peripheral neuropathy, the numbness or tingling in your feet and legs that is already a danger with diabetes, might develop if you don’t receive enough. It may also result in anemia, or a lack of red blood cells.

4.      Hypoglycemia:

If you take metformin while fasting or undertaking a lot of physical exercise, your blood sugar may drop dangerously low.

5.      Diuretics, glaucoma medicines, corticosteroids, thyroid treatments, birth control pills and other estrogen pharmaceuticals, and calcium channel blockers can all interact negatively with metformin. If you use metformin with acid reflux medication, you’re more prone to develop a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Looking at the above context, the pros and cons of having metformin are given. Diabetes reversal can also be achieved by living a healthy lifestyle which has no side effects. So what are you going to choose? A healthy lifestyle and diabetes reversal? Or drugs and diabetes management?

To get more assistance on diabetes reversal, connect with us at +91 88847 22267 or visit Diabetes Reversal Clinic.