The relation between Vimsathi prameha and Samprapti of a disease

The relation between Vimsathi prameha and Samprapti of a disease

Before we decode the relation between Vimshathi prameha and Samprapthi, an understanding of Vimsathi is incomplete without knowing the meaning of gunas.

What are gunas?

Guna stands for the essential quality of any substance.

Gunas or qualities are commonly called ‘Shareerika gunas’ because they are related to the qualities of the body.

Gunas are also called ‘Samanya gunas’ because they are pertaining to the general qualities of the body.

Apart from being Shareerika and Samanya, gunas are also termed as ‘Adibhoutika’ with reference to them being related to living beings.

The gunas are essentially classified into 20 types, representing the following qualities:

It is important to know these 20 types of gunas because each of these qualities indicates a symptom or a specific characteristic related to a disease.

Guna typeRepresentative of

Now that we have understood the gunas of a disease or qualities of the body, let us get to the meaning of Vimsathi.

What does Vimsathi stand for?

According to Ayurveda, the age-old science of healing and treating diseases, Vimshathi refers to the measure of these 20 gunas. 

The degree to which each of these gunas is manifested in the body for a particular disease is indicated by Vimsathi.

Vimsathi can also be referred to as the onset of a disease.

What is Prameha?

Prameha is used to denote diseases that are associated with the metabolism of fat and/or carbohydrates along with being used for representing a set of urinary disorders.

Vimsathi Prameha 

From our understanding of Vimsathi and prameha, 

Vimsathi prameha can be defined as the onset of a disease that is either associated with fat-carbohydrate metabolism or urinary disorders.

What is Samprapti?

From the onset of a disease, to how the disease or dosha is manifested in the body, this process from the onset to the establishment of disease in the body is referred to as the pathogenesis or Samprapti of the disease.

We will look at the Vimsathi or the associated gunas with the dosha or disease, and the process of manifestation of the disease or Samprapti taking the example of a common disease.

Diabetes mellitus or Madhumeha is a widely known disorder associated with obesity and lifestyle habits. 

Let us classify Madhumeha in terms of Vimsathi or gunas and how they lead to its Samprapti.

Diabetes mellitus or Madhumeha

Madhumeha according to Ayurveda is a Tridosha Vyadhi (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) with Vata and Kapha dosha predominance.

Madhumeha commonly comes under the Kapha dosha or prameha along with being a Vata dosha.

Doshas relating to Madhumeha with respect to the corresponding gunas:

Associated DoshaCorresponding Vamsathi prameha or gunas
Kapha DoshaHeaviness or Guru gunaDullness or Manda gunaColdness or Sheeta gunaImmobility or Sthira guna
Vata DoshaLightness or Laghu gunaColdness or Sheeta gunaRoughness or Khara guna

Causes representing Madhumeha in relation to the Vimsathi prameha or gunas of the disease.

Characteristic causeCorresponding Vamsathi prameha or gunas
ObesityHeaviness or Guru gunaBulkiness or Sthula gunaUnctuous (fat composing) or Snigdha guna
Sedentary lifestyleImmobility or Sthira guna

The characteristic symptoms associated with the following gunas that represent the Samprapti or pathogenesis indicating the complete establishment of disease.

Characteristic symptom Corresponding gunas of Samprapti or establishment of the disease in the body 
Frequent urinationLiquidity or Drava guna
TirednessDullness or Manda guna

The relation between Vimsathi prameha and Samprapti

By now, we have bridged the relation between Vimsathi and Samprapti of a roga or disease. 

It can be concluded by saying that the gunas representing the onset or Vimsathi prameha in the body if remain undiagnosed or untreated lead to the complete establishment or Samprapti of the Vyadhi or disease in the body.

It is thus important to diagnose the disease in the early stage or Vimsathi of the roga through regular check-ups to prevent the disease from reaching its Samprapti. Consult a medical practitioner to get yourself checked and to take the necessary measures to treat and eliminate the disease.