diabetes reversal

The types of diets for Diabetes

In this article, we will explore some of the most popular diets that are recommended for and followed by diabetic patients.

Types of insulin – Explained

In this article, we will explore the types of insulin and understand the basis for insulin classification.

Everything you need to know about Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the cells fail to respond to insulin even when it is secreted and present in the blood leading to high blood glucose levels.

The relation between Vimsathi prameha and Samprapti of a disease

A person is said to be pre-diabetic when the blood sugar levels are above normal but not high enough to be diabetic

Is There a Diabetes Cure?” – Expert Answer

Is there a cure for diabetes? In this article, we will explore 3 of the most popular approaches of the modern world that aim to find a cure for diabetes.

Why it is Essential to Nip Pre-diabetes, a ‘Diabetes Reversal Condition’, in the Bud

Experts emphasise that early detection can reverse pre-diabetes and prevent long-term complications of diabetes like heart attack, stroke, and kidney damage.

Kashaya Dhara in Diabetes Reversal

Kashaya dhara is an Ayurvedic therapy known for its powerful therapeutic effects on the body & mind. The procedure involves pouring an herbal decoction onto the patient's forehead.

Diabetes Reversal: A Myth or Fact

The question of whether diabetes reversal is a myth or a fact is one that every diabetic patient wants to know the answer to. So, diabetes can be reversed.

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