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Worst Blood Glucose Testing Habits and How to Avoid them

You may occasionally get an inaccurate readout while using a blood glucose metre to monitor your level. When this happens, it’s easy to blame your metre. However, the majority of issues are something else. Faliure to wash your hands Even if your hands do not appear dirty, forgetting to wash them before testing can cause

Is Insulin Resistance and Diabetes the Same Thing?

Though insulin resistance and diabetes are not the same thing, they are linked and can influence one another. Treatment may vary depending on what is causing insulin resistance and whether or not you have diabetes. Diabetes and insulin resistance are linked. However, not everyone who is insulin resistant has diabetes, and not everyone who has

Dangers Of Diabetes Medications

When you hear diabetes, the first thought that rushes into your mind is your body is producing less insulin or insulin isn’t being properly used by your body. And that’s definitely a problem with this chronic illness. The director of the Inpatient Diabetes Program from Boston quoted that, “Diabetes is like termites, in that it

 Ayurveda And Diabetes

Ayurveda originated in India and is a traditional medicinal practice with roots tracking back to 1000 BC. Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life”. It connects the processes involving Prakriti (physical), Purusha (spiritual), and Physiologic ones, to promote a healthy relationship between body, mind and soul. The primal goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a

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