Everything you need to know about Prameha

In this article, we will understand the meaning of Prameha, and how it has been featured and classified in the ancient ayurvedic texts.

What is Prameha?

According to Ayurveda, the term Prameha is used to denote a metabolic disorder which is characterised by obesity or the presence of diabetes or prediabetes.

Although Prameha is considered to be a Tridosha Vyadhi involving all the 3 doshas, the Vata, Pitta and Kapha, Prameha is commonly caused due to Kapha dosha dominance in the body.

Anyone who has heard of Ayurveda would be familiar with the terms Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Let us understand them briefly before we understand Prameha through the lens of each of these Doshas.

Vata– People with Vata Dosha are usually slim, energetic and creative. They are moody and get affected by the food they eat and the people they are surrounded by, such people easily get distracted.

Metabolism- Prone to illness, anxious and prone to digestive troubles.

Pitta– People with Pitta dominance are muscular, athletic and competitive and become great leaders. However, their aggression can lead to conflicts and arguments.

Metabolism- High appetite, prone to acne and inflammation.

Kapha– They are strong and caring people who are very laid back and don’t get upset easily. They have a calm and composed approach to living.

Metabolism- Prone to weight gain, lazy and at risk of depression.

Ancient Ayurvedic - Prameha

The history of Prameha in Ayurveda and how it came about-

  • One of the oldest scripture in the world or the Rigveda has mentioned Prameha as ‘Meha’ referring to excretion dating back to 3000 B.C 
  • The ancient literature during the Vedic period in 300 B.C has mentioned Prameha when talking about the diseases of the urinary system
  • Prameha by Charaka- More emphasis on Prameha was made in the revered and age-old book of Ayurveda the ‘Charaka Samhita’ where the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings along with examples were treated which gave a complete picture to Prameha. The most significant inference made by Charaka was that the victims of Prameha pass frequent and copious amounts of urine which is sweet in taste since ants were found to be attracted to it.
  • Prameha by Sushruta – Sushruta although gave similar literature to Charaka, emphasised the Vatik Prameha or Madhumeha and considered the complications of Prameha while observing how it was seen more in men than in women.
  • Due to the involvement of all the 3 doshas i.e the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas in Prameha, both Charaka and Sushruta classified it into 20 types of Prameha roga.
  • Out of the 20 types of Prameha, there are different types of Prameha depending on the type of dosha that predominates-
  • 10 are Kaphaja Prameha (eg: Udakameha or Diabetes insipidus)
  • 6 are Pittaja Prameha
  • 4 are Vataja Prameha (eg: Madhumeha or Diabetes mellitus)

Now that we have understood the history of Prameha and how it came about, let us understand the essence of Prameha as described by Ayurveda-

Prameha is the only disorder in Ayurveda which manifests depending on the concentration of both Dosha and Dhatus.

Prameha in Ayurveda indicates excess urination both in quantity and frequency.

Causes of Prameha according to Ayurveda include

  1. Excess consumption of curd
  2. Excess consumption of meat and aquatic animals
  3. Excess consumption of sugar and its products
  4. Excess intake of fatty, sour and salty foods
  5. Avoiding physical activity
  6. Lethargy or excessive sleeping habits
  7. Not maintaining hygiene 
  8. Overthinking
  9. Anxiety
  10. Excess strain or stress

Understanding Prameha would be incomplete without knowing the classification of Prameha caused due to Kapha, Pitta and Vata predominance respect

Prameha due to Kapha predominance is classified as 

  1. Udakameha – Diabetes insipidus
  2. Ikshuvalikameha- Glycosuria
  3. Sandrameha- Phosphaturia
  4. Sandraprasadameha- Belluria
  5. Shuklameha- Chyluria
  6. Sukrameha- Spermaturia
  7. Sheetameha- Renal glycosuria
  8. Sikatameha
  9. Shaneimeha- slow micturition
  10. Alalameha- Albuminuria

Prameha due to Pitta predominance is classified as 

  1. Ksharameha- Alkalinuria
  2. Kalameha- Mellanuria
  3. Neelameha- Urine of Indigo colour
  4. Lohitameha- Haemoglobinuria
  5. Manjisthameha- Haemoglobinuria
  6. Haridrameha- Urobilinuria

Prameha due to Vata predominance is classified as 

  1. Vasameha- Lipuria
  2. Majjameha- Myelouria
  3. Hastimeha
  4. Madhumeha- Diabetes Mellitus

In this classification, the most commonly known Prameha rogas (Diabetes) are:

  • Udakameha – Diabetes insipidus (Kapha predominance)
  • Madhumeha- Diabetes mellitus (Vata predominance)

Understanding the meaning, characteristics and classification of Prameha helps us in understanding Diabetes or Prameha roga better. To create more awareness and spread the wisdom of Ayurveda and its healing principles which focus on eliminating the disease from its root through a solid understanding of the causes and associated physiological symptoms.

If you are suffering from diabetes and want to eliminate it from its root through the Ayurvedic approach, consult a diabetic specialist today to know the various Ayurvedic treatment options.