Kashaya Dhara in Diabetes Reversal


Ayurveda has emerged as traditional medicine for decades. Its popularity is growing today as an alternative treatment for chronic illness. One such chronic illness is Diabetes Mellitus also known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is a condition in which the body is unable to produce enough insulin in order to process the glucose in blood. In Ayurveda it is a condition in which a person passes honey like urine.                        

Excessive consumption of guru (difficult to digest), snigdha (unctuous), amla (sour) and lavana (salt) rasa, navanna (food prepared from freshly harvested grains), new wine, Asya sukha (sedentary lifestyle), atinidra (excess sleep), avyayama (lack of exercise), achinta (lack of mental exercise), achinta (lack of mental exercise), and restricting from samshodhana therapy (purification therapy); are the causes of Madhumeha, according to Ayurvedic seers.

So, we can sum up causative factors of diabetes as:

§  Lack of activity

§  Sleep deprivation

§  Stress

§  Obesity

The above noted main causes i.e. sleep deprivation and stress are cured by a therapy called Kashaya Dhara in Ayurveda. Kashaya Dhara is application of herbal oil to stimulate the nerve endings, which is followed by dripping of herbal decoction on the forehead for a time of 30 minutes.

Kashayadhara is an Ayurvedic therapy that is noted for its powerful therapeutic benefits on both the body and the psyche. Although it is comparable to other techniques such as Shirodhara, Takradhara, and Ksheeradhara, it differs in a few ways. The procedure is pouring a properly prepared ayurvedic herbal decoction onto the patient’s forehead. The oil and herbs used in the treatment are chosen depending on the patient’s health, body type, and other considerations. The therapy is carried on in such a way that it reduces the patient’s problems such as stress, exhaustion, anxiety, and other connected difficulties and leaves them entirely content.

How does Kashaya Dhara help?

·         The heated decoction is poured over the body during Sarvanga kashaya dhara which aids in proper sweating of the body.

·          The decoction medication comes into touch with the skin and penetrates the pores, calming down the mind and promoting sleep.

·          The pharmacological effect of the drugs, as well as the temperature maintained throughout the therapy, function as a counter-irritant, which is a thermal stimulation that can modify pain and itching sensations.

It takes around 40-45 minutes for the entire process and another 15 minutes for a hot water bath. The entire procedure includes three stages:

1.      Poorvakarma: To determine the amount of kashayam necessary, a thorough evaluation of the patient’s prakruthi and vikruthi should be performed.

2.      Pradhana Karma:

      The kashayadhara begins with padapooja and followed by a light oil massage.

      The patient is positioned supine at a specific height, and two experienced therapists pour lukewarm kashayam in a specific rhythm.

      A mild massage is given along with the kashayam pouring during the treatment.

      The therapy works by making the patient sweat in the middle of the day, which is a really calming experience.

3.      Paschat karma: The entire procedure is followed by a hot water bath and washing hairs and body with a medicated water.

This procedure is useful in treating various inflammatory conditions, infectious diseases and removes ama (toxins) from the body. This therapy relaxes the mind and body, reduces high blood pressure, cools the body, relieves heat in the body and cleanses the scalp.

But why is Kashaya Dhara used in diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is caused by a variety of etiologies that culminate in persistent hyperglycemia and its consequences. The earlier you are diagnosed, the less likely you are to have issues. Because of the chronic nature of the disease, diabetics must maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes lifestyle changes and healthy eating, as well as calorie restriction, depending on the type of diabetes they have. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder with a wide range of clinical manifestations and progression. Long-term hyperglycemia has a negative impact on several organ systems, including the heart, kidneys, eyes, and sensory nerves. Diabetic sensory neuropathy causes paraesthesiae and a burning feeling in the soles of the feet. The lack of feeling in the feet is a major contributor to the development of pressure sores that do not heal, eventually leading to diabetic gangrene. When gangrene develops, the doctor is forced to take harsh measures to save the patient’s life, such as amputation, which renders the patient permanently immobile. As a result, in diabetics, sensory neuropathy prevention and control are critical. Thus for the same purpose, Kashaya Dhara is used with some selected herbs.

Kashaya Dhara is upadrava of Madhumeha, which is a type of Vataja Prameha. Vata, along with Pitta and Kapha, is the major dosha implicated with this disorder. Vatavyadhis are used in Ayurvedic lakshanas like Pada suptata and Padaharsha. Daha, on the other hand, is classified as a different ailment in Pitta Vyadhi.

The main involvement of this treatment is due to assistance of Diabetes with imbalances in Vata and Kapha doshas. Usually, patients show symptoms like Karapada dosha which may be due to Prakupita vata along with pitta, Karpada Supata due to prakupita vata and kapha, and Dourbalya due to prakupit vata.

Beauty of this process:

Ø  Increases metabolic rate: The Swedana process raises our body temperature, and as a result of this rise in body temperature, sympathetic activity rises as well. Hormones like Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Cortisol, and Thyroid Hormones are released as a result of increased Sympathetic activity, which speed up the metabolic rate and induce lipolysis. Thus, the metabolic rate increases as a result of demand for oxygen and increased output of waste products.

Ø  Vasodilation: When the body temperature rises, a negative feedback response kicks in to bring the temperature down to normal. Thermo receptors stimulated by a higher blood temperature convey nerve impulses to the preoptic region of the brain. As a result, the heat-losing centre is stimulated while the heat-promoting centre is inhibited. Nerve impulses from the heat-losing centre induce blood vessels in the skin to dilate, allowing the excess heat to escape.

Ø  Sweat Glands Stimulation: A high blood temperature stimulates sweat glands in the skin via hypothermic sympathetic nerve activation, resulting in excessive sweat production. Perspiration production increases, which means more waste items are eliminated from the body through sweat. As a result, Swedana might be said to rectify Swedavah-Sroto-dushti.

Thus, the causative factor in which there is blockage in channels and leads to diabetes is eliminated by this Kashaya Dhara procedure.

To get proper assistance on Kashaya Dhara technique and to treat your diabetes in a holistic way, connect with us at +91 88847 22267 or visit our website Diabetes Reversal Clinic and request a call back.